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Everything posted by cryptique

  1. A good vindaloo will kick your ass, and you'll love every minute of it. Lamb vindaloo is my favorite.
  2. I'm with you except for that one item. Can't say I've tasted a Mexican beer yet that I liked.
  3. ...because they damn sure can't do it for themselves. We've given them plenty of chances to do so, and they never quite managed it. I'm not generally a fan of this kind of hand-holding either, but when the behavior doesn't stop and doesn't get any better, sometimes you have to take drastic action. It's a sad comment on the state of U.S. society, but does it honestly surprise you? Counting back, I believe I've seen five films in the theater in the last year. People were having cellphone conversations during the movie in three of those. Believe me, I'm not arguing hypotheticals here.
  4. India also has some wonderful uses for the otherwise lowly chickpea.
  5. I'm not sure that really answers the question you responded to. Before you do, though, let me frame the question a little differently: Would you object to theaters having cellphone-jammed screenings, if the jamming was prominently disclosed, and if there were a choice to go to a non-jammed screening?
  6. Did I post any examples that weren't real? Sure, they can help. But anyone worried about such emergenices might want to think twice before walking into a movie theater. That's the way it was before cellphones, why should it be different now? Neither is disrupting a movie by yammering on one's phone. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. If you read back earlier in this thread, you'll find that I'm advocating jamming in theaters, yes, but with clear disclosure that such jamming is taking place. At that point, it's up to the cellphone user whether he/she wants to spend two hours in a
  7. Gillian Welch & David Rawlings Richard Thompson Neko Case Orchestra Baobab ...just for starters...
  8. I agree with you on that ... such as overdramatizing the kinds of emergencies that cellphones can magically solve. There's been plenty of hyperbole and drama on both sides of this debate.
  9. El Huxtable, you still work for a major manufacturer of cellphones, right? I just want to make sure we have all of our biases on the table here.
  10. That goes for Ethiopia, too (at least everything I've tried so far).
  11. The distraction factor is probably worst with a cellphone. It's a lot easier to switch focus away from music than from a conversation. I've used a cellphone while driving maybe twice ever, and it scared the fuck out of me because I realized that I wasn't really paying attention to what I was doing with the car.
  12. Really? The whole "Spygate" thing happened in the first quarter of the Patriots' first game of the season, one they were going to win regardless of any videotaping. Does that really warrant an asterisk, or even a jaundiced eye at what the Patriots have accomplished so far this year? If they'd been caught four or five games into the season, maybe I'd agree that they're "just as tainted." But not even one full quarter? Come on. Take away that quarter, and they still beat the Jets 31-14 that day. On this subject, there's a great column this morning on SI.com, looking at what ESPN's David Flem
  13. Georgie James, but yeah -- they're playing your campus tomorrow night, you going?
  14. Yes -- too expensive for me to have it disrupted by inconsiderate idiots. I would gladly pay the $10 (or whatever it is now) to see an occasional film in the theater IF there were a chance I could enjoy it without disruption. (As I was saying) ...and this is my other major problem with going to movies these days. I think people have gotten so accustomed to talking back to the TV in the privacy of their own homes that they can't turn that off when they're in a theater.
  15. Accountability is in pretty short supply these days. Have you been to a movie lately? I agree that it would be sad to block everyone's phone because of a few people, but it really has gotten to that point. I suspect that theaters are losing business because of these idiots, and blocking cellular transmissions would be good for the box office, so why shouldn't they pursue a legal means of doing so?
  16. Sorry, but there's no way cellphones can be put on the same level as those things.
  17. I was thinking of mentioning this one too. Last time we did this thread, I mentioned this one, but it's still a favorite: The Posies - "Richie Dagger's Crime" (The Germs)
  18. Remember back when there weren't any cellphones? What happened then during emergencies? Did doctors never go to movies? This whole "what about emergencies" argument is overblown. The world got along perfectly well for thousands of years before these things were invented, but suddenly they're absolutely essential for emergencies? Bullshit. They're a convenience.
  19. I'm going to have to add Springsteen's latest to my list. I don't love the production (though I don't mind it as much as some people) ... but this is a really solid set of tunes. Ol' Bruce has still got it. He performed nine songs off of this album Monday evening, and the new stuff blended quite well with the old stuff.
  20. I believe I said it around here once before but I'll say it again: You know you loved the Eagles until it became cool to trash the Eagles.
  21. Huh? What, because of the videotape thing? Sour grapes. Ol' Don just doesn't want to see another team eclipse the '72 Dolphins.
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