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Everything posted by LouisvilleGreg

  1. I noticed a sizeable gray patch around his ears last night, and also there was a pretty unflattering close-up of John. I think we've sunk to a new level with this thread however.
  2. I have no idea who they're up against next week, but I'd be stunned if it's not Top 5, with around 150,000 opening week sales. I'll go with #4 to be precise. Post your guesses here in advance and lets see who gets it right.
  3. If you don't like "You Never Know," you may be in for a long ride with this album. For certain, there are better songs, but I think it's definitely in the upper half of tunes. There is one song, though with the potential to stand as an all-time classic in the Wilco catlog. Good for you for holding out. I did so the last two times, but not this time.
  4. Midair John is the John I like to see.
  5. I'm just about ready for some new MMJ material, though I know it won't be anytime soon. Hopefully there will be some solo dates within the next 6 months.
  6. That whole interview was great, but I especially love this part: "And then I think also there’s a curious faction in our fan base, of people who seem to stick around because they want to commiserate about it not being what it was, three records ago or something, but maybe they just enjoy being let down." I think he's talking directly to me. It's not just Wilco though, I'm always nostalgic for the past. In 2012, I'll be wishing I was back here in good ol' 2009.
  7. Yeah the more I listen the more I'm blown away. I think after about 10 listens now I like it better than all but 3 AGIB songs, more than anything on SBS, and more than anything save for "Bull Black Nova," on WTA.
  8. Back to the box set discussion. it's almost an inevitability that we'll get one someday. I'm sure that Jeff would look at it happening anytime soon as a way of waving a flag of surrender. It is indeed something that tends to happen very late or post-breakup in a band's lifeline. As far as it containing B-sides and rarities, sure, that would be great, but what I'm really worked up about is all of that which we don't know at all. Like the other songs John wrote for A.M. that weren't included, all of the reported "Being There," tracks as well as who knows how many more "Wilco book cd" type of cut
  9. I remembered this reading the above post: There is a massive 10' under road drainage ditch in a suburban neighborhood my dad lived in in the 80's in Louisville. One day several friends and I spraypainted the KISS logo under there about 5' high. The following day we came back and wrote out the names of all the albums. "Lick It Up," was the newest at the time. We continued to add new albums under the list as they came out. I think we stopped around "Crazy Nights." I got busted once at 19 writing the name of a Louisville punk band on the side of an auto dealership. I had to do 50 hours of commu
  10. According to my setlist scorekeeping section in the new Wilco tourbook, there were 7 tour debuts at this show. Some really nice variation too. I wonder if anyone in the band is filling out the setlist stat page nightly? It could explain some of the deep cuts popping up just over a week into the tour.
  11. The ending is totally unique to anything else in the Wilco canon. Very 80's electronic weirdness going on. There are some different lyrics for sure. Very, very cool and once again this makes me wonder just how much of this stuff is out there. 15 years in, I'd say a box set is due fairly soon.
  12. They played last night for about an hour and 20 minutes and based upon the song titles, they played a good majority of "Oscar," as well as "Feb 14th" from "A Blessing and a Curse," and closed with Big Star's "I'm in love with a girl." All in all it was a pretty good show, albeit a bit uneven with four or five ballads in a row at one point. the musicianship on stage was top-notch, though you could sense in places they were still feeling each other out.
  13. I just got back from seeing Patterson and band play a free in-store performance. I talked to him briefly and got tonight's ticket autographed. He has the most chicken-scratchy signature ever. Anyhow, off to the show now. Below is a write up in today's Louisville Courier-Journal. Enjoy, Greg Patterson Hood has been rummaging through his impetuous youth for the last few years, listening to nearly-forgotten tapes of his younger self all jacked up on broken hearts, righteous anger and cheap beer. Advertisement It started in 2004 when he was cleaning house and stumbled across a cassette of an
  14. The station I mentioned earlier in this thread, WFPK 91.9 In Louisville dug real deep yesterday evening and pulled out "Pecan Pie." I was very stoked and very stunned.
  15. Anyone on here going to either the Louisville in-store at Ear X Tacy or the show at Headliners? I just moved back to Louisville after 14 years and I don't know a soul. If anyone's going send me a pm and maybe we can meet up. Looking forward to it, Greg
  16. I sat during "Side With The Seeds" in Cincy and every other time I've heard it.
  17. Yeah, bands typically play pretty safe sets at festivals. I don't like them for that reason.
  18. I did some digging and found this on some dude's blog: Wilco at Bonnaroo, Manchester, Tenn., June 13, 2009 Wilco (The Song) / I Am Trying to Break Your Heart / Company on My Back / Handshake Drugs / Blue Black Nova / You Are My Face / One Wing / Pot Kettle Black / Side with the Seeds / Shot in the Arm / At Least That’s What You Said / Jesus, Etc. / Impossible Germany (for Kelly) / California Stars / Misunderstood (32 “nothings” at the end) / Spiders (Kidsmoke) (with cameraman strumming Jeff’s guitar, huge build) / Hummingbird / You Never Know / The Late Greats / Hate It Here / Walken / I’m t
  19. This game sucks so far. Both teams look like shit.
  20. I was curious if anyone else was fortunate enough to A - live in a city that plays Wilco on the radio, and B - have already heard songs from the still unreleased WTA? I just moved back to Louisville from Richmond and 91.9 WFPK is playing "You Never Know," in heavy rotation, and have even made mention of Jay's untimely death.
  21. The bar across the street sounds good and convenient. Can't wait to see all of you'll again and hopefully hear a few WTA tracks in the process. If anyone's a history buff I'm gonna try to go to the National Underground Railroad Museum earlier in the day. See everyone soon, Greg
  22. Denver's bigs were all over the place last night with the offensive rebounds, blocks, deflects, etc. The difference in the game was all about poor decision making down the stretch and Kobe's killer closing instincts. Lebron may be near or even better than kobe, but he's got a ways to go to develop that cutthroat end of game shit Kobe has going on. I mean when there was 2 minutes or whatever left and they were down by 5, I just knew he was going to will them to victory. They won't be able to win every game this way, but as was stated earlier, they'll surely get more production down the line in
  23. For whatever reason I get a free Rolling Stone every month. I think it has to do with buying concert tickets. And though most of it is truly deplorable, there is almost always something worth reading. In recent issues there have been good to great interviews/features on Dylan, Kris Kristoferson and Steve Earle. I don't anticipate Wilco will ever be on the cover, because they bottom line is Wilco wouldn't help them sell any extra magazines. I think a John interview is coming soon though.
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