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Everything posted by LouisvilleGreg

  1. I never knew "Being There" was hard to come by in record stores. I've seen it dozens of times in lots of record stores over many years.
  2. "A.M." is only a few days away. Anyone get one in the mail early? Any details?
  3. They played the version of "Backstreets" from the Live in London '75 disc on my way into work this morning. What a totally devastating song. Sometimes it's my favorite Bruce song of all. I also heard "Tunnel of Love," on the radio as well. Here's hoping for another 60.
  4. Louisville had an absolutely ridiculous collection of good to great punk, hardcore and indie bands in the late 80's early 90's. A few even had some level of moderate national success. There were multiple local, independent record stores that carried the bands demo tapes and 7"s. There were alse several local-only record labels that thrived by releasesing local favorites. My favorites of that era were: Endpoint, Kinghorse, OUT., Undermine, Crain, Ennui, Dybbuk, Rodan, Evergreen, Slint, Cherub Scourge, Squirrel Bait, Sunspring and Bodeco. Freakwater also have their origins as a Louisville band.
  5. The remasters had 8 out of the Top 10 sellers at the biggest local indie store here in town last week. Jay Z was number 1 though.
  6. Now this is some crazy news. I can't imagine Farrar intentionally wanting to bring on another tiresome round of media-hyped UT debate, 15 Years on. It's a battle he's been losing since "Being There" was released. Without having heard a note, and with no disrespect to the very accomplished musicians involved in this, I can't imagine anyway in the world that it could stack up to The Wilco/Bragg sessions, especially Volume I.
  7. I have a friend who has been the singer for a fairly successful punk band for close to 20 years who was contacted by Bragg several years ago about the possibility of collaborating on MAIII. My friend rejected the offer out of fear of living up to all of the hype of both Guthrie and the first two records. Needless to say I feel pretty certain that Bragg will revisit the series at some point in the future.
  8. I'm curious to see what the vocalist/number of tracks breakdown will be next time around. I can foresee that Shonna could possibly have as many tracks as Cooley. I'd prefer a leaner 12 song batch this time around. I predict it'll go something like this: Patterson - 6 songs, Cooley 4 and Shoona 4.
  9. Holy smokes what a timely thread this has turned into. The venue here in Louisville is the #1 hipster bar in town at the moment and very small to boot. I'll do my best to make it out for that, as long as it's not too late on a weeknight.
  10. I really quite like the Dylan cover. As he says in the liner notes, that's the last song anyone would want to have to cover, but I thought they took a hell of a stab at it. I really like the four vocalists taking the four verses with the big, full-band payoff at the end. Other than that, I really like Isbell's "TVA". I wish there were more Cooley songs, but he seems to be much more in the quality control business than Patterson who doesn't seem to ever write a song that he isn't scared of releasing. I mean did the world really need "You and your crystal meth?"
  11. I suppose you weren't at that show on Mayo Island in '97? It was my first. I went to the in-store "Ashes" DVD signing in Kxoxville this spring and I told Jeff that they hadn't played in Richmond in 12 years. He replied that they play everywhere eventually. I'm actually worried that because they've played C'Ville a couple of times recently that Richmond might be F**ked. The promoters in C'Ville are cutthroat and make bands and managers of bands sign exclusivity contracts to not play Richmond, when they play C'Ville. This practice is commonplace around the country, but I've heard awful things re
  12. Thanks for the self-promotion. I'm really digging the song from the link. You are very spot on in the "Unlikely Japan," vibe, although that song has more of a sinister feel to it than this. My curiosity is certainly piqued, I will probably look into this. Do Pronto ever play shows?
  13. You should leave campus more often, it's a big, big world out there. It's at 6th and Grace streets in downtown (you know? That area immediately to the east of VCU.)
  14. The Carpenter Center renovation has been a long time in the making. Looks pretty good, though I'd still prefer the SRO National. Let's just get them to RVA first though.
  15. Got the ST today and am stoked to give it a spin soon. Is it too early to start asking for "Kicking TV" and both of the Mermaids on vinyl? I've actually got MA1, MA2 was never done correct? I'm sure there are lots more logistical issues on that, but KTV is a no brainer. Bring 'em on!
  16. I love Outkast and "B.O.B." is ridiculously good, but as already stated "Hey Ya" was just about as good a pop/rock/hip hop song as there is and it was omnipresent. It totally fucked genre-specific radio formats, it was on every channel across the dial, sometimes all at once. I thought about it for quite awhile and I can't think of any other song that I would be able to pick over it.
  17. anyone have any info about price yet? The most I've given for a box set was the most recent The Band set. It was $100 and actually quite worth it. I'm sure this will be as well.
  18. I just found this on a Springsteen site. Pretty funny stuff: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Story?id=8335824&page=1 Edit: Whoops I made a rookie mistake. Send me to the corner now please.
  19. Thanks everyone. I guess my real birthday present was the Tweedy show in Chicago the other night. Otherwise I did lots of gambling, ate out for all three meals and spent most of the day with my family. I'm a little indifferent to being 35 so far. I'm still narrowing down my choices for my screen name change, but GregLKY is a good one. Hope to see all of you in Chicago in October and some of you here in Louisville for perhaps a Halloween show?
  20. I was actually surprised that the entire back UT catalog wasn't done on vinyl with the cd remasters and anthology collection a few years back. The "Anodyne," release is a great start, but I'd love to have "No Depression" as well.
  21. Might've been the highlight of the night, but Someday Some Morning Sometime was a pretty deep cut as well. I was about 4 rows back in the second section and it really didn't matter. A very intimate venue for certain. Hell of a show.
  22. Getting ready to drive up from Louisville here in a couple of hours. Maybe I'll go over by Lollapalooza and look for a cheap ticket outside. Hope to see some of you tomorrow at a pre-show meetup somewhere, or post-show or both.
  23. Damn, I've been working on this for awhile now. I had no idea how hard it would be, but I finally came up with a list that I'm happy with (for tonight anyway!) A few observations about my list: I like old Jeff more than newer Jeff, but not by much. If I were to rank the top 50, newer Jeff might edge out older Jeff. I really love "Being There" and 2 others from BT very nearly made the cut, as did "Bull Black Nova." It may with more time. I picked some songs for the lyrics, some for the music, some for what they meant for me and what was going on in my life when they came out and some for the em
  24. Yeah I've got "Chimes" and every other release from Asbury through WOAD all on vinyl. The only thing that I'm missing is the 18 Tracks vinyl. I've seen "Be True" live before and it made me very happy.
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