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Everything posted by LouisvilleGreg

  1. Not in order, but #1 overall for me is "Gun" 1. Gun 2. Radio King 3. Long Cut 4. Please Tell My Brother 5. New Madrid 6. Misunderstood 7. Too Far Apart 8. I Got You 9. Far Far Away 10. Bull Black Nova 11. Spiders 12. Theologians 13. Summer Teeth 14. Long Time Ago 15. Not For The Season 16. Via Chicago 17. War on War 18. Pot Kettle Balck 19. I Can't Keep From Talking 20. Sunken Treasure
  2. how very 21st century this whole thread is.
  3. As someone who often is on the very crazy side of these things, here's a few general tips. Smaller towns have way less early GA crowds. What you really need to ask is what kind of spot or seat you want? If you're sit on the first row, well you want to be amongst the first there. In Delaware, I'd say 2-3 hours early would be plenty of time. I once showed up 5 hours early for a smaller town Wiclo show and no one else arrived for close to 4 hours. So, use your best judgement. Early lines are a good way to make new friends as well.
  4. That's some good work Mike, I think I'll work up that batch myself, and although it's cheating I too like the Chinese Apple closure.
  5. Here in Louisville it was completely sold out at one local indie store the day after the release, and the much bigger indie store told me it was by far there top selling record of the week, and lastly it was the album of the week, with all songs from the album in heavy rotation of WFPK 91.9. Should be enough for a fall show here in Louisville.
  6. Anyone else a tennis fan? This match between Roddick and Federer is ridiculous.
  7. I haven't sat with Everlasting for over a decade yet, so I think I'd be more psyched for your pick.
  8. aha, I see what the problem is with this Saratoga show. It's not in the tourbook setlist counter. I guess I'll have to add it in later.
  9. I think you'd have to be a pretty big asshole, not to actually buy the physical format of a release from a band that gives so much for free.
  10. I'm confused now, when exactly was this Saratoga show? After LA? Was it a late addition?
  11. According to Wilcobase and my scorekeeping in the tourbook that's the full-band debut of "Everlasting Everything." It was also the tour premieres of "It's Just That Simple," and "Ashes of American Flags." It was only the second show this tour for "Shouldn't Be Ashamed." Good job on getting that in on request. Looks like quite the variety package.
  12. Excuse me in advance, I didn't read the whole thread, but I didn't see any mention of actual "tapes" in this discussion. I made these suckers from age 10 in the mid-80's all the way up until a few years ago. I still have some blank tapes around here. At least in my case, as I haven't digitized my vinyl collection, a mix tape would have a much wider and greater range than anything I could do with files (not that I know how to do that) or burning cds.
  13. I find these recent "step Up the support" emails a little strange. Including concerts, merch, travel expenses, I spend a pretty stupid amount of money on Wilco each year, and have for about a decade now. They just come across as a bit insulting. If you want to buy the album then do it, but the emails almost sound like they're begging.
  14. I've had dreams about "Forever Young" or "I Shall Be Released" playing, so Richard and Bob I guess.
  15. I kept wondering if anyone would match me with the latest update. I feel bad for putting the two most recent at the bottom, but hey on the upside I like this one way more than the last one.
  16. Your wife must be lucky, because that's the first time "Mountainbed" has been played on this tour.
  17. 1. Being There 2. YHF 3. SummerTeeth 4. AGIB 5. AM 6. WTA 7. SBS
  18. I just started rewatching season 4 tonight. I'll rewatch season 5 around November or so.
  19. WFPK here in Louisville played both "You and I," and "You Never Know," today. They very well might've played more, but those were the two I happened to catch.
  20. Tell Billy I'm disappointed in him.
  21. MJ albums might actually crack this week's Billboard Top 10. There was a cover story here in Louisville today about every single music carrier in the city selling out of his records yesterday. I can only assume this is going on everywhere. How crazy would it be if one of his records ended up making Wilco post lower on the charts?
  22. Lots of great stuff on that video, but the first minute and the very end seem way too personal for all of us to be watching.
  23. I got an email 2 days ago saying it was on the way. Every Wilco vinyl I've pre-ordered has always arrived before the actual release date.
  24. I don't know anything about Rob Thomas, but he has an album coming out next week as well. Is he bigger than Wilco?
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