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Everything posted by LouisvilleGreg

  1. There's a very lengthy interview/ feature on Jim in today's Louisville Courier-Journal. It touches on MMJ's history, Louisville, Jim's new projects and more. Very good read. Link below, enjoy: http://www.courier-journal.com/article/20090802/SCENE04/908020306/Jim-James-unplugged&referrer=FRONTPAGECAROUSEL
  2. Man I love some "Be True." One of my favs from Tracks.
  3. Mike, You're a madman, and I totally dig it. I have always been obsessed with list-making. For many years as a kid I did my own Top 20 Billboard style charts. I kept them in a binder and included records on one side of a sheet of paper and singles on the other. I kept track of how long records had been in the charts, etc. Unfortunately I lost that binder long ago. I'll reanalyze my list from the other thread and try to rank them when time allows.
  4. I heard this on the radio once. XPN in Philly I think and just about flipped out. It's one of my top 3 for that album. I don't think I was at any of those 21 shows where it was played. Hopefully I'll be there next time it is.
  5. Looks like I've got my plans for Halloween finalized.
  6. Hey, whatever it takes right? Looking forward to catching up with all of the old Residency crew.
  7. Damn, I wish Mick would take this concept on the road.
  8. If he was really feeling it he could open with "Theologians" and maybe close with "Satan your kingdom must come down."
  9. I'm GA for both thanks to the hard work of two fellow VCers who covered for me while at was at work. See you'll then if not sooner.
  10. I too, like some of the other old timers in this thread miss the good ol' days pre-stardom. I saw them here in Louisville in a punk club in '92 and it was great. My favorite is probably "2,000 Light Years Away." I had a copy of that Sweet Children 7" from way back and I sold it to a fan who just discovered them during Dookie for a small fortune. It's probably worth 10 times that by now.
  11. Looks like the set of the tour to me. Yea for Summerteeth.
  12. I walked by the fountain from "New Madrid" in Belleville once on a cross country trip.
  13. I was bummed on night 2 of the Residency the first time they played a repeat. Somehow in my warped little mind I was thinking alright 30 songs a night x 5 nights equals 150 totally unique songs. They would've had to dig real deep into the bag to pull that of. B-sides, unreleased tracks, Loose Fur, UT, etc. Not that there's anything to complain about the Residency, because it was wonderful, but that would've been even more ridiculous than the whole thing already was.
  14. Seeing "Too Far Apart" in there makes me very happy.
  15. #4 is from last week, they are definitely #11.
  16. The real crazy part of that show for me was I had a 5 year relationship end the day before, had just an awful night, woke up the morning of the show in Richmond, decided to drive to Asheville for the sold out show without a ticket, got there a few hours early, found a ticket, and man I really needed that show that night.
  17. #11 for week 2. Looks like it probably sold around 25,000 in the second week according to data about the Top 10.
  18. I just tried to figure this up and I'm pretty sure it's between 35-40. I have most all of the stubs, save for a few. The first time was in '97 in Richmond on an island and the most recent was in Cincy at the beginning of this tour. Most of these shows have been since just before YHF came out onward. Of that count, five are Jeff solo. These shows have been in 11 different states. And oh yeah Asheville, NC on 5/1/03 is still my favorite show. Here's the ridiculous setlist from that night: 1. One By One One By One lyrics @ bemydemon.org 2. Sunken Treasure Sunken Treasure lyrics @ bemydemo
  19. No worries, looks like we'll have another chance when this big Chicago show is announced on Monday. I'm in Louisville now, so closer to your neck of the woods. Send Rob a hello.
  20. Count me in at the $75 level. I got the ticket a couple of days ago. It'll be an early birthday present for me. #35 will be on August 12th. See you'll there.
  21. The following songs have been played every night of the current tour or have only missed a day or two: Shot In Arm, Bull Black Nova, Handshake drugs, Hate it Here, Hummingbird, IATTBYH, ITMWLY, Impossible Germany, Jesus, One Wing, Spiders, Walken, Wilco the Song, You are my face & You Never Know.
  22. I'll concede Dylan and Nelson as being more seminal, more important, more iconic, etc, but I will not let someone tell me Mellencamp is better than Wilco. That's coming from someone who grew up in southern Indiana when he was at his peak.
  23. Great call on the Flamin' Groovies. I love "Shake Some Action"
  24. anybody know of any good links for HBO shows?
  25. A few that I don't think I saw: The Raspberries, Cheap Trick, The Sonics, The Stooges, Black Flag, NY Dolls and lastly, Fugazi, who I think socially and politically are the most important U.S. band of the past 20 years bar none. Also, to me it's a no brainer that The E Street Band are a band. That core has been together for close to 35 years, give or take a sabbatical. CCR are probably the best. KISS ('74-'80) are probably my favorite. There are lots of soul or funk groups that I'm thinking of that we're dominated by one personality and that probably disqualifies them but at the top of that
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