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Everything posted by Atticus

  1. I'll have to check out the vid then. be back in a minute! looks like he's just playing a G minor without hitting the low d, a la E: B:3 G:3 D:5 A:5 D:
  2. from D to Em (just bar down the 2nd fret, low 3 strings basically) then to: E: B:3 G:0 D:0 A:1 D: does that help?
  3. drop d. just walk down the A string. If you need a full tab, let me know, and I'll try over the weekend.
  4. not I. Been checking dime, etree, and VC regularly. I'll post if and when it shows up...
  5. Rush pointed out that possibility the day this whole shitstorm started, to be fair. As a result, I'm sure, of getting flooded with correspondence from victims of the disease, their families, doctors, etc.
  6. Just talked to my dad about this issue, and he made the valid point that the show may be shut down by the time the ladies are to make their trip...
  7. heard "hesitating beauty" in the denver airport this summer. but that's old news...
  8. My wife, mother, cousin, and two of my cousin's wives are all taking a trip to NYC this winter, and have already spent $600 on tickets for this show. I just sent them all the NY Times review. I think I'll be cooking for myself for quite some time... hello ebay!
  9. that's a bit rough on the priests, no?
  10. as others have posted in other OD/distortion threads, the problem with these types of pedals is that you'll never really know whether it's the right fit for you until you play them yourself, and even the same make/model of pedal can sometimes differ between productions. I went through a phase of buying/selling quite a few of them through ebay at one time, and while I can't speak for the status of ebay these days, back then it helped out alot. I ended up with quite a few nice pedals for not a lot of $$. Just a thought...
  11. can't speak for the others, but I qualified my opinion by stating that he's the most talented drummer that I have ever seen.
  12. have you tried converting the font on the whole selection to courier? that seems to work as well...
  13. I'm glad someone else plays this whole tune standard capod 3rd fret as well. While I will change tunings quite a bit for tweedy stuff, that one's a real bitch...
  14. Not not boughten it Borrowed Michael J. Fox's copy before boughten, though.
  15. aren't ratings supposed to serve that function in some sense?
  16. as a former resident of Dallas, Texas, I am still recovering from the bruises the ass-kicking of that brilliant decision left. And I'm not even much of a baseball fan (at least in the following/memorizing statistics and whatnot sense).
  17. maybe we should examine just what exactly is on the back of the fruit loops box. We could all be missing something big. volunteers?
  18. doing that right now. It's in an open tuning (I'm thinking D, but haven't sat down with it yet on the geetar). I'll try and have it up this weekend.
  19. open D edit: sorry, that's DADF#AD
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