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Everything posted by OOO

  1. I was a staunch Beatles/oldies fan in gradeschool and junior high, and the only rap i heard was when my friends would blast the biggest rap songs, like "Mo Money Mo Problems." In general when I hear a rapper doing his thing over an older rock or pop song, i just think to myself "I don't want to hear this guy, but I do like the song he's rapping over." So instead of listening to Kanye's Diamonds of Sierra Leone like all my college roommates, I listen to Shirley Bassey doing Diamonds are Forever. As far as hip hop goes, the only stuff I hear all has the same beat and some guy talking about
  2. Hopefully, once our (Illinois) esteemed junior senator becomes president, he will serve as a great role model to children everywhere. Also, Wilco will get to play the inaugural ball.
  3. punching is the strongest of the senses.
  4. saw it last night at midnight. Chuckled through most of the movie, but I dont think it was really "so-bad-its-good", if only for the fact that they were trying pretty hard to be placed in that category. Anyway, its enjoyable enough, but not the laugh-athon i was hoping for. Of course, the whole audience chanted and cheered through the now infamous line..
  5. Little known fact: I used to change in gym class next to this guy: "People like Thax Douglas are doing something more important than a 9-to-5 job," said Justin Baren, bassist for The Redwalls. "It might be a good step for him. It's where Thax would probably be more appreciated." weird.
  6. he shaved for his wife's birthday. And i must say, in my humble opinion, he looks great.
  7. I upload in FLAC only because Its nicer for my ratio to upload a bigger file. I pretty much only download higher bitrate MP3's. In other words, I'm selfish.
  8. yes, its like a target. Also, happy birthday!
  9. OOO

    New songs

    The only versions available are live versions, the new LP has not been made yet.
  10. what are the odds that A.) Beatle Bob knows how to use computers and B.) if he does, visits wilco fan messageboards to check if he is getting made fun of?
  11. OOO

    Wilco Theater

    In battlestar gallactice when the battlestar is communicating with the raptors they sign off with "wilco" sometimes.
  12. It's too bad Jeff won't be the best show playing on August 18th.
  13. http://www.csmonitor.com/2006/0815/p01s01-woiq.html
  14. After I sent in my entry, which was doctored to show me vacationing on the moon in my wilco shirt, they changed the rules to say "No Photoshopped pics please...". I guess they didn't like my picture very much
  15. the first time i saw them, that is exactly how i explained my feelings on their set, but at that time I really only knew their hits, so I could only sing along with Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots. But, now that i own virtually their whole catalogue, their shows have been different for me. Granted, it might just be that Wayne walked on me in his bubble and passed on a feeling of complete happiness, but thats a different story. I think the band caters to the big fans in their audience, in that alot of the time they leave gaps in the songs for the audience to fill in, and you can only really
  16. We were at lollapalooza together and afterwards he said he didn't think the Flaming Lips were musically that good live, more just like a circus. So i can rebel by liking them!
  17. My dad got me into Wilco with Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, had radiohead CDs before I did, and keeps pestering me to listen to Mars Volta. And we both have always had an undying love of the Beatles. So, I never got to rebel against my parents musically
  18. I think the thread title accurately portrays what happened in the episode of Monk, one of my fave TV shows. Whats the big deal?
  19. California Dreamin' - Mama's and the Papa's Beach Boy Songs Hotel California(?) - Eagles
  20. On last week's episode of Monk, the story centered around Jay Bennett, who murders the (married) woman he's seeing after she breaks up with him. He dumps her body in the ocean, then proceeds to bludgeon a fisherman to death who was a witness. It's obvious that the writers of the shows are big Wilco fans, as the real life parallels are striking.
  21. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5490020651450496505
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