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Everything posted by OOO

  1. The problem being that, especially on TV, facts don't sell as well as entertainment. Which is why you get a mixture of the two.
  2. Stewart made it clear multiple times that he had a problem with CNBC in general and not specifically cramer, although he did rip into cramer specifically since he was the one on the show.
  3. You'll be watching that again. This is what the website says right now:
  4. Jon Stewart should get an emmy for this episode.
  5. I like "Moral Kiosk" a lot.
  6. I know "Centerfold" and thats pretty much it. But I was suggesting that people who had seen "JGB" 30 times were talking about the J. Geil's Band, and not some side project of that Ben and Jerry ice cream flavor guy.
  7. I can't believe some of you have seen the J. Geils Band multiples times. But to each their own.
  8. the younglings! no! I know Lucas is sadistic. He made me watch Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
  9. I always that that was a little out of place in the movies. It seems like everything else is a little cartoony and mild. Sure, planets are being blown up and ships explode, but you never really see anything. Then there are the two charred bodies. I know they were trying to fake a raid by the sand people, but thats just cold.
  10. They are going to rename the Sears Tower 1. I will never call it anything other than the Sears Tower 2. I will not be doing business with Willis, whatever it is they do
  11. Gnarls Barkley and Flaming Lips on New Years Eve playing at my college, because my mom wanted me home for ALL the holidays. And I missed the first day of the Wilco residency last year because I was out of town with my job. Booo. (I had tickets to the first day and the last day, so I got to see them a few days later, but still)
  12. I have always operated under the assumption that Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, etc are fully aware that they get more viewers, more attention, and more money every time they say controversial things that piss people off. The only time I hear about these people is when people complain about them...but that means whatever they are doing is working, since I hear about them all the time. I can't imagine getting pissed off at anything they say, since I know that part of their intended effect is to piss people off. Rush Limbaugh could say Obama was Satan reborn for all I care. Just ignore them
  13. I really really really really loved that movie, and me and my friends quote the characters all the time, but after doing my own research online about the events of the movie and the characters, its become clear to me that many parts of the movie are heavily editing for dramatic effect. Lots of stuff is taken out of context, put out of sequence, or staged to make the story better. Billy Mitchell is full of himself, but he's not as sinister or whatever as the movie makes him out to be. And yet somehow, even though I know all this, I still can't help but love the movie. If it was a docume
  14. My brother was hanging around outside the Metro today and just met Bono and Adam Clayton. Apparently, a pregnant lady asked him, "Bono, can i get a picture with you for my future kid?" And he said: "You can't get pregnant from just taking a picture with me" Then he took the picture and kissed her belly
  15. Sounds like you bought 4 of his albums since last year
  16. Seinfeld was on the last week of Conan being on Late Night and I thought he was very unfunny. I also didn't like Bee Movie. I think the only thing I have liked of his since seinfeld were those commercials with Bill Gates he did. So hopefully this changes my mind.
  17. Yeah but at the end of 12 monkeys As far as Lost goes, as long as they are consistent with their view on time travel I'm fine with it. I am down with the past can't change, universe corrects itself idea. It just seemed to me in that particular instance they walked into a situation that was happening, and altered the outcome. Seems like those two guys would have been alive had the 815 people not been there, and that girl would probably have been dead. Maybe if they had just waited and watched, the black smoke monster was about to kill the two of them and free the girl, but who knows.
  18. By the way, I like the song 99 Luftballoons a lot, but it had no business being in the movie. I thought a few of the song choices were strange. All the music was good, but some of the songs took me out of the movie, thinking "why is this song playing right now?"
  19. Not saying I disagree with you here, but Daniel might not be 100% accurate. I'm just thinking out loud, but Sawyer/Juliet killed 2 Others and saved that Dharma initiative lady. Maybe thats what was going to happen anyway, but it didn't seem like it. As far as the benjamin timeline thing goes, if we don't have exact dates or anything, its possible he was born in 1965 and shows up in 1977, after the most recent episode takes place. Who knows? When I first brought it up I was just saying it occurred to me that he might have been there in those years.
  20. If you have "n" things you want to arrange in a particular order, you can arrange them "n!" different ways. So with 6 albums, we can arrange them 6! ways. Or 720.
  21. I enjoyed Watchmen. It was really long, but I actually didn't notice it so much. In most respects, very true to the comic. I liked it much more than 300. Good work Zack Snyder.
  22. I felt awkward watching him do his opening monologue. He needs work, but in general I like him and I'll root for him to get better.
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