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Everything posted by OOO

  1. I'm going to be the first to go on the record and say I like Highly Suspicious. But then again, I like silly.
  2. I live in the northwest burbs and im single so I'll take a hit for you and start dating her so she cheers up.
  3. The Wire is WAY better than Deadwood which is WAY better than the Sopranos.
  4. Yeah, Frankie Valli and Billy Corgan I dont think should be on there. But I think that Iron and Wine guy should stop whispering.
  5. I'm headed to Peru in July...so I can't offer any advice. But yeah.
  6. Major Vibes from the northern burbs of Chicago!!
  7. 20 innings and counting in the Rockies game.
  8. My tongue was in my cheek, sorry Charlie.
  9. I'd just like to say that this is one of the few threads that, instead of spiraling into absurdity, was born out of absurdity and spiraled into a serious discussion. Pacino takes himself too seriously, that's HIS problem. He'd never take a chance playing Fearless Leader in Rocky and Bullwinkle.
  10. You'll get it later. I like DeNiro a lot more. He was in Brazil.
  11. I'm not going to see the hulk! btw I really liked your Hop on Pop comment, EL Handsome.
  12. I find threads that start with "Discuss" or "Go" to be condescending.
  13. we're 20 on this list, per capita http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_exe_...ions-per-capita
  14. Is there a list of executions per capita, because I would find that more interesting. Because if China executes 1 person in a billion, and say, the vatican city kills 1 person in 820, I think there is a certain degree of difference in that. Either way, I don't think there should be a death penalty, but if you are trying to look at these stats objectively...
  15. You got a seat and gave it back. I'm not sure why you are complaining.
  16. wakka wakka wakka, im roadtripping to indiana in august.
  17. I'm just surprised caliber didn't do an effect/affect smackdown on Treehugger earlier in this thread.
  18. There is room on the market for more than one comedy duo/group. They both have very different styles of music and very different styles of humor. I'm ok with both. I mean, I may have heard people doing karaoke of "Fuck you Gently" too many times, but it was funny the first time I heard it. And as long as we are having the conversation, I like Weird Al a lot too.
  19. It was great to meet you Brad, and I look forward to you moving up to Chicago. Happy Birthday!
  20. I don't think anyone will be going up against Radiohead.
  21. I cringed a lot during this episode. I can't say I was much of a fan, and I can't say I don't still have some Catherine Tate doubts. However, the mysterious bit at the end (I don't want to spoil it for the Yankees) was very cool. I liked that. I don't watch previews for upcoming weeks so I haven't seen next weeks, but it can only go up from here! (I wish Russell would stop writing episodes)
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