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Everything posted by TCP

  1. I was so confused when I saw the subject to this topic. "Another new King Tuff album??" but this single was pretty good too! Also Ty Segall might have the coolest dog in indie rock:
  2. There's some crazy things being said all over the internet but this thread might take the cake for some of the most insane comments!
  3. Yeah Nils has some tours too later this spring and fall so if they are gearing up for a Crazy Horse tour (please Neil) then it might just be with Poncho.
  4. Has to be One By One. For complete JT originals it's probably Misunderstood. This is a tough question, I've been listening to Wilco for so long these older songs are so ingrained in my mind, it's hard to listen to them objectively without 15 years of memories and feelings associated with them. It doesn't help that Jeff is such a consistent songwriter, there's really no Wilco songs I don't like.
  5. Baseless speculation: I feel like if Poncho just wasn't available or unable to play earlier this month Neil's camp would have said so. The fact that they're not really talking about it leads me to believe it's going to be Nils going forward for the Horse.
  6. Agree with radiatortunes and jff. If I could (afford to) live in either place, I'd probably pick Victoria, but if I had the option to visit both, I'd pick Vancouver. It's just bigger and more tourist friendly.
  7. My understanding is this should be shipping soonish?? (6-8 weeks after orders stopped, which was beginning of March, puts us at week 7?). If anyone has experience with ROG, is this usually the case?
  8. Via Twitter... seems Kurt Vile might have something to announce this year:
  9. Yeah I managed to find one too. I'm glad they decided to release this as a standalone, IMO it's an essential record. Here's hoping they'll do more live archive releases.
  10. Damn, the four of you are seeing some cool concerts tonight.
  11. Via Gary Louris' Twitter (via Troy Zebransky): Really cool! Wish I could have been there. I see Jeff is booked for mostly festivals after the Vic. Here's hoping for a similar west coast tour later this summer maybe!
  12. Good work to everyone involved, including the three signees! I'm sure that guitar will raise a ton of money for Scott.
  13. Two of the best of 2018 so far, IMHO.
  14. Genuine question: Does Morrissey of 2018 change the way you view/enjoy The Smiths? https://www.stereogum.com/1991738/morrissey-the-modern-loony-left-seem-to-forget-that-hitler-was-left-wing
  15. I was born in Vancouver, spent a lot of my early childhood, went to college there, and return once or twice a year. I haven't spent a lot of time in Victoria, I've only been there twice but one of those trips was a few days ago! You'll definitely want to check out the Parliament Buildings. I did some record shopping which lead me to wander around downtown, which I really enjoyed. There's a cool artisan area in Chinatown, through some really quaint back alleys which I recommend checking out. One of my coworkers went whale watching which sounds like it was pretty successful and enjoyable. For Va
  16. I love my iPhone, and at this point I've bought enough apps I'll probably never switch to Android, but I really wish Apple would make a phone with a MicroSD input.
  17. How does that work with cell service? Up here, in cities you'd be fine, but highways between cities generally have large pockets with poor service or no service at all. Which is the times I need my iPod more than ever.
  18. I somehow never owned this on CD. What's the insert like?
  19. I didn't realize Jeff was made up of 75% hands. Just poking fun, I quite like it!
  20. Great recap as always, Paul. Sounds like a great show, even if the crowd was bashing a Canadian city! My wedding song! And here I was thinking I was so original.
  21. The new Jicks album is called Sparkle Hard, comes out May 18th (same day as Courtney Barnett, calm down May!!) and has an awesome new single called Shiggy.
  22. Exciting, I had forgotten this was a thing. Usually I advocate for reading a book (you know, with your eyes), but if there's an audio book read by Jeff, I think that might be the best way to go.
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