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Everything posted by TCP

  1. I genuinely love Bob Dylan's Christmas in the Heart. I think I started off listening to it ironically, mainly to annoy the wife but after awhile we both started getting really into it. You can tell he's having a lot of fun on it, there's a wide range of style, the arrangements are top tier, and his crackly vocals suit the holidays. I know a lot of hardcore Dylan fans think it's one of his worst, but I love every moment of it.
  2. TCP

    A.M. Deluxe?

    Yeah but I don't know why it has to constantly be portrayed as a Jeff vs Jay battle. He literally calls it an alt-country arms race. There's other angles of the Uncle Tupelo breakup and AM than just Jeff/Jay competition. I wasn't even 10 years old when Being There came out, so obviously I didn't hear it till much later but that record stood out to me as a great album from the get go. I can't remember how much I knew about it before I listened to it, but I don't know how someone can listen to that record at any period and think it's 6.8, but hey, music opinions.. right? There's definitely been
  3. TCP

    A.M. Deluxe?

    Pitchfork reviewed the new reissues, finally giving Being There a proper score after their founder Ryan Schreiber originally gave it a 6.8. Though on the other hand the reviewer spent most of the AM section of the review on Wilco vs Son Volt, which was played out 10 years ago.
  4. TCP


    Hope everything went OK and as expected.
  5. TCP


    Congrats again. If you get tired of going to 50 concerts a year you can come do my job for me and I will retire.
  6. For what it's worth, according to Discogs, I've bought 53 albums/boxsets released in 2017 this year (no one tell the missus that!). As far as I can recall, only 4 of those releases didn't have download codes, one was the most recent Bob Dylan boxset which had CDs instead, the other three were Together At Last and these two Wilco reissues.
  7. Full disclosure: My opinion might change if/when I see them in person. I'm just judging off that Earth record and also their studio work.
  8. Not sure if anyone caught the livestream on Friday but it was really great. In that sort of setting Old-Man-Neil sounds so much better than when he's with The Promise of the Real.
  9. Nice! One Chord To Another is one of my all time favourite albums! They played 3 or so shows in BC but none near me, I regret not making the road trip, that would have been the tour to see.
  10. Loving the love for Sloan in this thread. Commonwealth is right up there with One Chord To Another and Smeared for me (well, at least the Jay and Chris stuff is), so I'm definitely looking forward to album 12. I doubt we'll get a Wilco album in 2018 but a Tweedy album seems likely. I'd imagine Kurt Vile and Courtney Barnett are due for (solo) albums. Lotta Sea Lice only had a few original songs each and the last time either of them had a proper album was 2015. Jack White has an album coming out, I really like Lazaretto. Maybe we will (finally) get another album of original songs from Bob??
  11. So I take it unreleased recordings will start being posted on July 1st.
  12. http://youtu.be/fPKbeSRnox0
  13. http://youtu.be/tfyNPxM-M-w I can't help but roll my eyes at those opening lyrics. Yeah Neil, you have way more freedom in Trump's America than you would in Canada. Oh well, at least it's better than Children of Destiny. Looking forward to the livestream tonight. Hopefully him doing a solo concert in Ontario is a hint towards a solo Canadian tour in 2018.
  14. TCP

    A.M. Deluxe?

    So apparently there's no download code with the LPs? Can anyone confirm?
  15. PBS Idea Channel had a great episode on this: http://youtu.be/-BYo9A-z9Pg
  16. That's funny, my wife bought American Goldwing this summer and I was really impressed with it. Actually thought it sounded just a little bit like (earlyish) Wilco. Sort of. Well, I think it would sound like Wilco if you had a musician who's never heard Wilco before but had to recreate their sound solely based off you describing it to them.
  17. TCP


    Did you report it immediately to the lost and found?!?!?!?!
  18. I was so confused when I saw the thread title... then I saw the date!
  19. Wow!! That's amazing. Thanks for sharing!
  20. It's cool hearing Jeff and John together. Thanks for sharing WRP!
  21. I picked up the reissue of Harvest Moon yesterday. I haven't heard this album in a long time so it's nice to be able to listen to it again. It's a nostalgic filled album that actually really reminds me of my parents, I have faint memories of them playing this album a lot when it came out. That's not really a surprise, not many baby boomer acts did a great job of recreating something from the 70s in the 90s, but Neil did here. I think as far as NY albums go, this one might be massively underrated. With the (huge) exception of Such A Woman, every song on here is great, even if Old King is a bit
  22. Thanksgiving was last month!!! But happy late-Thanksgiving.
  23. I know I'm getting ahead of myself here but has anyone camped at SS before? Good experiences? Specifically with the complete camp sites you can rent? I'm thinking that might be the route the wife and I go since we'll be flying in internationally.
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