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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Hitchhiker officially happening. September 8th.
  2. Yeah, Darin Gray seems to be the go-to bassist when John isn't around.
  3. Great picture Tinnitus!! I know Billy played California Stars with Wilco around 2010ish, as seen in this video. As far as I know, that was the only time they've performed live together. I could be wrong about that though. I would love to hear Walt Whitman's Niece or I Guess I Planted but I imagine the guests they bring on for California Stars is always a last second kind of thing and only two remaining members of Wilco actually played on those songs (20 years ago) so that might be not be possible since the rest of the band wouldn't be familiar with those tunes (though a Mermaid Avenue show wou
  4. We're a compassionate group of people. I got a futon in my basement that any VCers are welcome to! That's true, I don't recall magazines like Macleans putting Obama on their cover saying "Why can't he be our Prime Minister" in the Harper era.
  5. Hey America, if you want him as your leader just join us in Canada!
  6. Not sure if this will be of interest to anyone but MC Taylor has been singing in the Jason Molina tribute group Songs: Molina. There's a great multicamera recording on YouTube now. I can't embed since it's a YT playlist so here's a hyperlink! Yeah, I assumed we wouldn't get another HGM album for a few more years!
  7. New album titled Hallelujah Anyhow due September 22nd.
  8. Bob Dylan! My all-time favourite songwriter! In my hometown. I'M EXCITED!!
  9. TCP


    Today I visited a doctor for the first time since I was a kid. Apparently I have high blood pressure?! I was told to lay off the salty foods. But that's all the best foods!! What am I going to do??
  10. I recall being a wee little Cowboy Poet and being into them before I discovered Nirvana/Beatles/Pixies and onto the music I still listen to today. While I'm not a fan, you can't deny their talent compared to other rap/rock bands of the early 2000s. Six kids, none of them can be that old, that's just awful. RIP.
  11. I don't know if I'd put Patterson Hood or Jay Farrar on the same level as Jeff Tweedy (or for that matter, Springsteen in the same as Dylan/Young), but I agree with you that JT is definitely one of the best of his generation. That much is clear and compilations like this prove it. Damn, my millennial generation really needs to get moving.
  12. http://youtu.be/_-_bSdWEYK8 She was great in Broadchurch and Attack the Block. This is very, very, good news. Also, I'm currently having a laugh at all the sexists on Twitter freaking out. Good stuff!
  13. MY FIRST SOLID SOUND!!! I think. Hopefully.
  14. Marijuana?? Isn't that stuff pretty hardcore??
  15. Please don't be a white guy. Please don't be a white guy. .....It'll probably be Kris Marshall though. Personally, my vote goes to Hayley Atwell. Doesn't help that I have a big old crush on her either.
  16. I've seen a few reviews for Hitchhiker floating around, so they obviously sent out advanced copies. Weird we can't preorder it yet though.
  17. The wife and I just watched The Handmaid's Tale. I went in knowing nothing and expecting a historical drama. I was wrong! It was pretty great and also horribly depressing. I'm sure production on this started before the US election but it sure came out at a fitting time.
  18. One thing I didn't see mentioned that I think deserves some kudos is TAL coming in a proper inner sleeve. I can't remember the last time I got a normal $20 album that came in something that isn't a crappy paper sleeve! Whoever arranged for that at dbpm or the record plant deserves a pay raise, IMO.
  19. Yikes, it's the most over used word on the internet these days but the best way to describe that is cringe. I feel like I've said this before. Neil needs to stop releasing so many albums, he's released 9 albums in the past 10 years. That's more than most songwriters in their 20s release. Take 2 or 3 years off and really work on the songs. He also needs a good producer that can tell him no. Shit like this (and there's even crappier stuff, as brownie mentioned) reeks of too many "yes men" in his management/band/production team. The producer might be a big one though, as uncool2pillow mentioned,
  20. Yeah that was a great nod. Also really thought Capaldi looked a lot like the Third Doctor in this episode.
  21. That was a pretty good ending to an otherwise mediocre season. Glad the rumours were true, once I heard Bradley's voice I got very excited. But I'm excited for the Moffat era to end and for a new Doctor on Christmas.
  22. Good news!! A VC friend got me one of the signed copies they were selling at SS so I've been able to listen. I like it, it's really good. I think the 11 songs Jeff picked flow great together and the recordings are top quality. We've definitely had our fare share of new JT songs in the past few years with two Wilco albums and the double Sukirae album, so it's nice to look back on some older songs. I liked hearing the progression of I Am Trying To Break Your Heart, go back and listen to the acoustic version from the opening credits of the documentary and listen to this version, it's a pretty bi
  23. So, for those who got the indie version, is it translucent or solid yellow?
  24. These are great intimate recordings. Obviously they're all songs we've heard before but it's nice to hear Jeff solo in the studio for once. This will sound great on vinyl, if my copy ever gets here...
  25. A Vulture writer ranked 213 Beatle songs. It's pretty bad.
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