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Everything posted by TCP

  1. I'm watching now. Great camera work considering it doesn't appear anything changed with the stage lighting, sometimes the stage is really dark which would mean a really narrow field of focus for the camera operators. But the crew did really good! The mix definitely doesn't sound like anything I've heard from the band, I'm assuming the crew must have done their own mix (??). Jeff's vocals are relatively quiet, but as others mentioned the keyboards are really loud, as are some of the backup vocals (as I type I'm on Pot Kettle Black and Pat's are normal, but I definitely heard John's being louder
  2. Direct YouTube link if anyone wants to watch on their TV or whatever: https://youtu.be/OTdkHV9YsIk
  3. The owner of my local record shop recommended this to me: I had never really listened to the Byrds before besides some of their Dylan covers and Turn Turn Turn. This was really good. Like Revolver, but not as good.
  4. Has anyone read The Dark Tower series by Stephen King? My wife has been trying to get me to read it for years. She knows I love westerns, fantasy, time travel, and alternate world stories. I'm 6 books in now, turns out she was right. I'm not a big Stephen King fan but this has been good. He's done a good job at taking what would sound like a silly idea, like say, a secret society of women who throw plates as weapons, but when you read it within the story, it doesn't seem that stupid. The first four books were written over the course of 15 years, the last three came out over two years, but so f
  5. I was just thinking, there are rumblings of a new Loose Fur record in the not so distant future...
  6. The covers set in 2013 was awesome. I don't think they're ever going to think up a covers setlist where everyone knows and likes every song. Though I wasn't there, listening to the recording of Wilco covering The Stones, Pavement, Dylan, Young, Daft Punk, The Band, and The Beatles in one concert is pretty cool.
  7. TCP


    Similar situation for me too! According to my profile I joined here the day before my 18th birthday, now I'm 29. When I joined I was just a week out of high school, now I'm two years married, four years into my mortgage, deep into my career. I was "Halcyon" when I first joined, apologies to everyone if I was a little shithead! I wonder if there's any teenagers joining these days??
  8. I've come to realize that a choreographed dance routine is the best option. Jeff and co, if you're reading this, please make this happen. The world needs to see Nels break loose.
  9. Guest sit ins could be cool. I imagine the covers set was A LOT of work but since it's been 4 years I wouldn't mind that again. Don't tease me with that!
  10. Thank you! I have numerous records where I have coloured versions and black versions. Sometimes the black sounds better. Sometimes they sound pretty much the same. And sometimes the coloured sounds better. Just like having two different pressings of the same record on black vinyl will sound different. It's part of the charm of the format! All that said, picture discs definitely do sound worse than black/coloured vinyl, so try to avoid those, everyone!
  11. Welp, I've officially been missing out on this band. I listened to the new album today, it's great. Is there anything else I should check out by them ASAP?
  12. Yeah seems like a missed opportunity to not perform Like A Rolling Stone together.
  13. Looks like those who went to Desert Trip got a good setlist, at least, no Sinatra: 1. Rainy Day Women #12 & 352. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right3. Highway 61 Revisited4. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue5. High Water (for Charley Patton)6. Simple Twist Of Fate7. Early Roman Kings8. Love Sick9. Tangled Up In Blue10. Lonesome Day Blues11. Make You Feel My Love12. Pay In Blood13. Desolation Row14. Soon After Midnight15. Ballad Of A Thin Man--------------16. Masters Of War
  14. I had a chance to listen to September 3rd. You can somewhat hear the woman screaming during Company In My Back, the song ends, crowd cheers and it gets faded with the crowd cheering with the band coming back onstage. I felt a little uncomfortable after the incident (I probably should have just got a drink) and got a little annoyed with a group of loud mouths in front of me, so it's nice to be able to properly enjoy this show now I'm definitely biased because I was there and it was the best Wilco show I've seen, but September 2nd might be the best roadcase I've heard. If you're only going t
  15. Just grabbed the Seattle bundle. It appears the whole emergency bit has been cut out, good call who'd want to listen that again? I need to throw these on my iPod and go for a drive tonight. I'm still bummed Roadcast 18 is missing. I have an audience recording but I want to hear the professional recording. Must be a licensing thing with all the covers??
  16. Just scratched my orange copy to get one of the new pressings. Purposefully scratching a record felt very wrong but I already have a black copy, which does sound way better. I did notice that even the sleeve was worse with the orange copy, the colours were pretty muted in comparison.
  17. But the heckling would be different in each concert!
  18. For those not aware this is in place of this year's copyright extension. Basically, some European laws have made material need to be released after 50 years to keep a copyright on it, otherwise it enters public domain in Europe. They've been doing this since 2012 (1962). Usually it's released either as a small run boxset of vinyl records, or sometimes as MP3s either (briefly) on iTunes or as a bonus for those who bought the Cutting Edge boxset last year. This year it's more available as a CD boxset likely due to the amount of high quality recordings of the 1966 concerts thanks to the Don't Loo
  19. Did they send just the record or did it come in the sleeve?
  20. The Late Show YouTube account just posted this, with Jeff revealing the next Wilco album's title.
  21. That was the response from Kung Fu or was that from the gmail address gopokes posted?
  22. The safe bet would be If I Ever Was A Child but I'm hoping for We Aren't The World. Have fun! Take pictures!
  23. Doc and Junior, that's too bad you two aren't feeling the newer albums as much. In my opinion they're the best two albums in a row the band has done since Yankee Hotel Foxtrot/A Ghost Is Born. I think every Wilco album has been good but to my ears the Sky Blue Sky, Wilco The Album, The Whole Love, maybe sounded a bit... complacent? Not sure if that's the best word to describe them, but I definitely never got into them as much as I have the new two (though, full disclosure, I find the older I get, the more I appreciate Sky Blue Sky). To me Star Wars and Schmilco sound very fresh and solid, they
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