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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. King Crimson - Amsterdam Concertgebouw November 23, 1973
  2. Sweet blog man. I can't actually say my spouse plays anything to death around the house ( I have that covered ) but in the car there's always that damn 'alternative' station...she'll tell me "hey, they play Wilco"- but when? I love the band and all but suffering through piles of shit to get to it is NOT my idea of fun.
  3. Just my .02: The Lawn (Indy) is NOT a great place to see a show. No shade whatsoever and when the suns begins to set you're staring right into it. Not to mention no permanent bathrooms - it's Port-O-Let or hold it.
  4. Hope it was a great day man! I hope the fierce sounds of Strummer and Reed serenaded you on your natal anniversary!
  5. Since it's 4/22 (and Aman posted the weekly playlist) I just wanted to yak for a minute about 4/22/69. What a wonderful show - the Dark Star from that night might be my favorite from all of '69 - it has all of the beautiful segues of the Live Dead version, plus is an added 6-7 minutes longer. That 3 night run at The Ark (4/21-23) is one of the finest 3 night runs in GD history imo. The whole month is just top notch. The 4/26 & 27 was well thought of enough to be a Dick's Pick.
  6. My son played a hysterically funny song he wrote for his band the other day. When I asked him the title of the song he said "Scott Stapp". I don't know when I've felt so proud. True story.
  7. Congrats on the boy q23! I'd consider going with Jerome John for the name, but you know me.
  8. Just remember this Edie - just since Ohio Barack has weathered Jeremiah Wright, the "bitter" comment, and Bill Ayers - and in that time chiseled HRC's lead in PA from 20% to around 6-8%. If you ask me, that bodes well.
  9. Just for the record Kendrick I'm IN Indiana - but I am not, nor have I ever been, associated with the Nazi Party (please don't ask about the Communist Party).
  10. Well Paul B beat me to the punch, but I will second Quentin Tarantino being about as good at directing as a used car salesman.
  11. KC is doing 3 nights at the Park West this summer. No Bruford though.
  12. I know man. I don't even drive 50 miles/week so it's not really killing me on that end, but the grocery store is where I'm feeling the pain.
  13. You know, I love Madison. Move back down there and we will visit you!
  14. They were pretty fun. I didn't see the connection with jambands, but they did get lumped in with them. I always liked Cracker - I thought "Low" was a pretty decent tune.
  15. Yeah, I do have Live At Last and a live show supposedly from 8/5/75. Both are really good, but the Live At Last definitely sounds like a boot.
  16. I'm glad to see "Live Evil" get remastered. I thought the production ruined what could have been a fine album. It's really a shame there was never a live release from the Ozzy years (discounting that bootlggish "Live at Last"). Also, if this tour hits my area I don't know how I could not be there.
  17. Yay! That will be a nice way to celebrate our anniversary.
  18. My wife and I were front and center for a Roger solo acoustic show in '91 or '92. He sang directly to Michelle the whole night. After it was all over she was just a puddle on the floor.
  19. I agree 100%. Nearly every post has the potential to start up some shit. That being said, here's the greatest things to ever happen to mankind (in order) 1) The Grateful Dead 2) Invention of fire/the wheel (your choice) 3) Sliced bread
  20. Of course I'm biased, but I think someone like Phil Lesh has managed to age gracefully and still make interesting music. Is he playing the GD songbook? Yes. But with an ever-revolving cast of musicians, and constantly changing arrangements. For me, it beats the crap out of a guy in his mid 60s prancing around on stage in spandex, who's been a millionaire since he was in his early 20s singing about "can't get no satisfaction'. And I am a Stones fan btw.
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