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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Thanks for the heads up again Reni - I'll see if I can't get the first part on the computer here. I've read so much stuff about this I don't know if I could get more depressed by watching, but you never know! I don't necessarily see Powell as a victim (like you said, he's a smart guy) but this administration did leave him out to dry in my opinion. He hasn't written a tell-all of his time in the admin., has he? That would really be something.
  2. This is great news! Mende, you should give us a shout out if you're in the front rows!
  3. The brew pub in Indy (where I met up with deepseacatfish once) is having an Oberon party there today. to all!
  4. 5D was one of the first, if not the first, LPs I ever owned ( The Stones' "High Tide and Green Grass" hits LP was probably the first) so I would have to say it's still my favorite. I love "Yesterday" as well - the song "Mind Gardens" is one of the most acid-drenched things the band ever did. I also love Untitled and the Live Fillmore records. They are a showcase for the amazing Clarence White. And of course, "Sweetheart" still gets a lot of spins here.
  5. I tried searching and couldn't find it, but if someone here could post up the old "Adams/Tweedy Celebrity Death Match" from a couple of years back I sure would appreciate it.
  6. Did anyone feel a strange sort of deja vu with McCain's " Barbara Ann" ripoff comment? I immediately was reminded of Reagan's "We begin bombing in 5 minutes" comment from, what was it, '82? If you or I make ridiculous statements like these we're just laughed off as a poor attempt at humor, but should a person who is/trying to be leader of the free world say these things? McCain should know better.
  7. Here's a take on Obama's pastor from a local (weekly) paper, courtesy of our resident muckraker: http://www.nuvo.net/articles/wright_is_right/
  8. The Disco Biscuits. I'd be afraid someone would spike my beer with molly or ketamine or something and I'd have way too much fun.
  9. I still have 10 of 16 teams. Not too bad I guess but I've done a lot better before.
  10. One of the most perplexing lines Jeff's ever written has to be "crawling is screw faster lash". I would doubt that there's any deep meaning there - he must have just liked the way the words sounded together. Any ideas?
  11. Most of the stories in Phil's book had already been told in one place or another, but the firing of Dan Healy and how that came about was something I'd never heard in detail. So I guess it was worth it just to read about that. I sure wish he would have talked about Kimock - there's a story there! My major gripe was it just wasn't long enough - I mean hell, Clinton's autobiography was nearly 1000 pages and what the hell did he do that was as important as being in the GD for 30 years?
  12. I talked with an old friend/tour buddy the other day that recently picked up the book on CD - read by Phil himself - at Barnes & Noble on sale for 8 bucks. American. (suggested retail price like $29).
  13. Gamehenge in particular: The "story" is pretty far out / sci-fi (my best friend, whom I have deep respect for in regards to his musical taste - he turned me on to Wilco fer chrissake - once referred (dismissively) to Gamehenge as " that D&D stuff") but the thing I find most amazing about it is how young Anastasio was when we came up with all of this. The arrangements are so well thought out. There's all kinds of crazy music-theory shit going on in songs like "Forbin > Mockingbird" that I only vaguely understand. And the gorgeous melody at the close of "Lizards"... How to describe wh
  14. Wow. You and darkstar were in on it from the beginning. I never heard these guys until the early '90s. I know as soon as I heard "David Bowie" that was it for me - I KNEW these guys were gonna kill everywhere they went. I saw Phish and the Dead a few days apart in '94. The difference was like night and day - one band at the top of their game, the other heading off into the ditch. Seeing Phish then must have been like seeing the Dead in '74...just amazing.
  15. Way to go ND. I guess I'll be wearing Butler blue tomorrow.
  16. Here's an etree link, hope this helps: http://db.etree.org/bs_d.php?year=1993&artist_key=4
  17. Monday, March 22, 1993 Crest Theatre, Sacremento, CA Set I: Chalkdust Torture, Guelah Papyrus, Uncle Pen, Stash, Bouncing Around the Room, Rift, Weigh, Reba, Sparkle, David Bowie Set II: Golgi Apparatus, It's Ice > The Lizards, Tela, Wilson, AC/DC Bag, Colonel Forbin's Ascent > Fly Famous Mockingbird, The Sloth, McGrupp and the Watchful Hosemasters, Mike's Song > I Am Hydrogen > Weekapaug Groove E: Amazing Grace, Fire notes: The second set included Gamehenge narration in between songs from Lizards through McGrupp. Amazing Grace was performed without microphones. -------
  18. Absolutely. I had WV winning that one in the brackets.
  19. You said a mouthful there man. I personally wish they would just do away with the Olympics altogether. I enjoy watching 'em but...
  20. I hear an Em in there as well.
  21. Agreed. I actually had Nova winning that one. I screwed up on Vandy and UConn though.
  22. Happy Birthday Drew! Hope you had a great day!
  23. I've always thought the 80s were horrible. If it wasn't for the Dead I wouldn't have listened to any rock music at all during that time.
  24. That's the difficult part - you know there will be some upsets, but which ones? I had Baylor beating Purdue - WRONG. The Boilers looked like world beaters yesterday.
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