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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. In fairness to Sanchez, his name isn't Tom Brady. Have the Jets beat any decent teams this year save for the NE victory? Nope.
  2. The Awkward Taint of Christ
  3. Blue Cheer's or The Who's version of "Summertime Blues," I guess.
  4. Self-inflicted I have no problem. Lab/field experiments ain't cool.
  5. I always assumed it was about kids stunting their growth with cigarettes spent on their tax returns.
  6. No offense taken at all. There's humor in it, for sure. The human lab rat aspect is a little disturbing, is all.
  7. I'm sure it was clean and all but the dosages were likely off the charts and the participants likely unprepared/unwilling. Not a good combination for someone and essentially cruel, imo. must've been frightening for a lot of the guys, too.
  8. The name "Monsanto" comes up in this. Using humans as guinea pigs is not cool. Those soldiers were likely waaay over-dosed and likely unwilling participants. Pretty frightening, actually.
  9. Q: How do you wake Lady GaGa from a nap? A: Punch her in the nuts.
  10. I love re-reading books that I enjoy. Like re-viewing movies I enjoy, I always get a little more insight into it. This may be due to what I bring to the book at the time of the first read/watch versus what I bring on the following readings/viewings. I've read Cannery Row and Tortilla Flat many times and they both still offer insights/elicit productive thought. I also love re-reading Peace Like a River mostly because I love the writing style/imagery/etc. but also because it's a neat story. Tim O'Brien and Flannery O'Connor are two other authors I can re-read often because I love their style, as
  11. I saw an add for The Beatles coming to iTunes during the NFL game last night. I thought it said something about Sgt. Pepper's...selling over 3 million albums last year (or I read that somehwere recently). Can this be true?
  12. Done! That's the turkey stance, btw.
  13. This is sad, stupid, sick. Not that you said it but that people have come to believe that this is valid.I'm not sure I whole-heartily agree with you, but the fact that it's a common perception (which ultimately helps propel the problem, imo) is sad, stupid, and sick.
  14. Gtrplayer's list is nice. I'd add Chet Atkins to his list, but it's a great list. Don't be shy about digging into the Bluegrass offshoot with Bill Monroe, Flatt & Scruggs, Doc Watson, Del McCoury, etc.
  15. There wasn't enough pre-game hype about him, though. It was like listening to Tim McCarver talk about Jeter. I thought it was nice of WAS to turn in a performance like that the day they re-signed their starting QB to a $78 M contract. They were polite hosts for Vick & Co.
  16. Emmett Otter's Jug Band The Silver Platters The International Silver-String Submarine Band Although I've never heard them, I'd imagine The Gorrilaz count...? The Partridge Family had a couple good tunes....
  17. Ditto on all counts, though I have added some colored lights to the outside, too. I really like the single, electric candles that go on the windowsill in the middle of windows, too. Reminds me of New England and growing up.
  18. I've seen REK a few times and always been pleased. He's in the vein of Prine, Todd Snider, etc. Some of his stuff is a little too Pop-y for my taste but he's got a great voice, tells some good stories, and has some decent lyrics. Todd's a big REK fan, btw. He plays a verse of "The Road Goes on Forever" in "Beer Song," as well.... And yeah, definitely worth a 20-spot.
  19. I've said it before but Hawk Harrelson and his minion are insipid dolts. Can not stand listening to them. Harrelson's worse than George Frasier for the Rockies.
  20. Ditto. No commercials, either. re: Morgan and Miller. I'm glad the curmudgeoning, repetitive (the "slaiii-der") Morgan was cut but I always enjoyed Miller. There are alot of shitty color and play-by-play guys out there but at least these two were tolerable, particularly Miller.
  21. The city picks up trees at curbside out here and they turn into wood chips/compost, too.
  22. Sure you will. BTW, lights on the outside of house go up the day after Thanksgiving and come down the day after NYE. The tree gets into the house no more thsan 2 weeks prior to Xmas. All this is subject to change barring a hangover.
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