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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Right. If you've got a lot of GD on there, the song count is bound to be lower. By comparison, a lot of Ramones and Minute Men, song count goes up markedly.
  2. I bought the 160 GB last year and have it up to a little over half full (actually holds about 146 GB). I haven't been too good about transferring a lot of music yet from cd, but there's still a great deal of music to select from and it kind of never gets stale.
  3. Glad you could be there for those shows. I caught P&f immediately after that run for two nights in Denver but was a little envious of the stuff he was doing out at the Warfield. Good stuff.
  4. I know he had done Jazz is Dead (but really, how popular/known was that?) and am not sure of ABB. Speaking for myself, I was unaware of him prior to Phil & Friends.
  5. I like that Phil takes chances on some of these guys (not so much Warren, etc.) but even Herring was known on a lesser scale before he played with Phil (Aquarium Rescue, etc.). I agree with the Warren/Herring dyas as the pinnacle, thus far, but really- i appreciate most stuff/combos Phil puts together. I've heard/read he intentionally mixes it up with the people every so often as to keep it somewhat raw/experimental, and that I can get behind. I really like how Jackie (w/ P & F) does "Hard Rain's A-gonna Fall." Very, very tight and different.
  6. Oh nothing, but Geraldine no longer has the opportunity (currently) to make history by taking so high of an office. Either way, history will be made by whomever of the Big Two Parties is elected.
  7. Blacks were allowed to vote before women were, so shouldn't the McCain/Palin vote represent the more history-making vote? Just playing Devil's Advocate.
  8. Dr. Pepper was in on the release date from the get-go, I've heard. Everyone's promotion-happy now.
  9. I realize there are only two viable options to occupy the White House. Who doesn't? I also realize that voting for the lesser bad guy is probably the best option. That's not my point, though.
  10. Just the points the framers of the Constitution had in mind, I'd imagine: berated into voting for one of the two Big parties. I didn't say who I was voting for, just making a point that I think it's 100% acceptable (nay, constitutional) for people to vote for whomever they feel meets their needs best. Period. You make some decent points Lou, but fail to see the bigger picture, I believe. If a person can live with their personal vote and is comfortable that they voted for their personal best choice candidate, whether that takes away from another person's "Party" choice or not, then that's
  11. That seems pretty far from a democratic viewpoint in my eyes. The point of people voting for whomever they choose to (and have as much right to as you do voting for whomever you choose to) is really up to the individual and no one should be expected to justify their decision to anyone else. It's an anonymous vote and there is more than one candidate for a very democratic reason. So different from the other options out there! Point taken, though.
  12. Ralph Nader was in town last night (up in Boulder, actually). He says that the Democrats take your vote for granted and "prepare to be seriously disappointed in the election of Barack Obama." He said Obama's bid is "an unprecendented upward career move." He feels neither Obama nor McCain ever mention the poor, only the middle class. Ralph's still ticked about third party exclusion, too.
  13. That's on my list too. Different than The List, but a list nonetheless.
  14. I'll be starting The Wishing Year tonight or tomorrow.
  15. From dead.net: two previously unheard/released practice tunes in August '78 before the Egypt shows with Garcia on acoustic and Mickey on tar playing with Hamza El Din to his "Ollin Arageed" and another tune- http://www.dead.net/features/news/rare-tra...t?cmpid=egypt78
  16. Who plans for these things, anyway? Don't they just sporadically happen?
  17. Cheers, Moe! "I'm better than dirt. Well, most kinds of dirt, not that fancy store-bought dirt... I can't compete with that stuff." -Moe Syzlak
  18. I'm still rooting for the Red Sox.
  19. I agree with the Jackie assessment. Also agree with the RA assessment. It was an interesting collaboration but it didn't really work for me. Got'cha on the "cues," too. I think I misunderstood your intent.
  20. Hey moe: I'm sure you already know but Malkmus & The Jicks are playing at The Gothic in a few weeks w/ Blitzen Trapper opening....
  21. Jackie has plenty of talent and he's come a long way with the band in the past year. I don't think he hampers the others. Ryan Adams with the band was another issue. I don't think it was a good fit although I appreciated the fact that it was off-the-cuff and raw and all.
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