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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Rememer her immortal words, kids: Always victorious!!!! She lives on a couch next to (too close, according to her) her Mama. She needs VICTORY.
  2. Please. Everyone's entitled to a few moronic pleasures. I need vapidity now and again to balance intellectual activities in my life. The show is less about interest and more about mindless entertainment for a spell. I watch when I feel like watching and turn it off when I'm bored. I am firmly and shamelessly unapologetic, though.
  3. It's vapid and formulaic bunk. But there's a train-wreck quality to it I somehow can not avoid.
  4. The chick from Oregon with the red shirt who works with horses. She has a good voice. Or something. There's still another 20 min. to go MST.
  5. I'll cop to it. I watch. I do a pool for it on another board. A lot of the ridiculous contestants seem more and more forced/gimmicky/planned each year, but it still makes for decent voyeuristic t.v. Simon's comments alone are worth the price of admission.
  6. If my screen name were "bastard," as I've often contemplated, I'd be blessed with this:
  7. No image matches, but there's this as the first entry. Apparently a missing cat, in several compromising positions:
  8. Apparently, he doesn't remember D. Boon.
  9. It's a good trip in any weather, imo. I piss out in the back yard regularly while on the phone.
  10. Speaking of dire, I've always loved the fact that Garcia busted out (for the last time, no doubt) "Dire Wolf" in Deer Creek in July '95 after receiving a death threat in which the FBI were called upon. That second set, in fact, was played with the house lights on.
  11. The last show I went to was at Giants (after several previous shows there) in summer '95. It was a pathetic show by the Dead with a pathetic scene with gate crashers, etc. I gave my ticket away leaving the show that night for the following night I was so disappointed. It was to be the last of roughly 150 shows....
  12. Yep. Sometimes even when I'm not peein'.
  13. I remember that tour. That was at/outside of Brendan Byrne.
  14. Not sure what "the 5" is but you missed a lot of great shows on the east coast if you adhered to the rule.
  15. I think it's only right if you're the kid of the newscaster from Family Guy.
  16. Is that the Blunt on the left? Who's the Angelina look-alike?
  17. He's doing the being-born-with-some-looks thing right? Well done, James. Well done.
  18. Perhaps, but at least it's correct.
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