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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Mr. Torre, what went on in your head (Oh) Mr. Torre, did you talk to the dead Your lifestyle to me seemed so tragic With the thrill of it all You fooled all the people with magic (Yeah)You waited on Satan's call
  2. Manny's hit only went about 390 ft. How the hell is he supposed to make it to second with a hit like that? Lugo with a Bunting 101 lesson for Crisp. Nice.
  3. I don't know if that's the true moniker for it, but it's when all the adults stand in two rows facing each other and join hands in the air so the kids can run underneath, like through a tunnel of denim. They get a big kick out of it. The kids seem to like it, too.
  4. The same boy I referred to earlier plays soccer, too. They don't mess around with the score or the false sense of accomplishment. Although all the kids get to run through the parent bridge deal at the end- winners and losers alike. The parents at the soccer games are a pain in the ass though. Lots of screaming at the tykes. I opt to sit at the goal lines to minimize the noise from the adults.
  5. Manny often looks like he's "hustling" in slow motion. I think it's an illusion.
  6. I agree with this. It's was an idiotic thing to say with the team in the position they're in right now. I'm o.k. with him thinking whatever it is he thinks but sometimes he doesn't think before he speaks
  7. Good points, but even the kids were complaining about it. It's not a big deal and the baseball example is but an analogy to the bigger issue, as I see it. Kids are over-coddled (in general) and there seems to be a prevalent feeling to protect them from the reality that life has it's "downs" to go with it's "ups." I still think kids need to learn early to take their lumps with a grain of salt and move on. Self esteem is built through accepting shortfalls, dealing with them in a healthy way, and moving on, as well as getting the pat on the back and the praise for a job well done
  8. I agree. Losing with pride and dignity is as good a, if not better, lesson than winning/everybody's a winner. My 7 year-old started Little League last spring with these rules. After the second/third week it was lame. I realize that it's introductory (it was softer balls but coach-pitched) and "fun" is the main deal and all, but they ignored teaching fundamentals like base-running and even let the kids stay on base if their pop-up was caught, etc. Weak. A new league next year for the kid.
  9. I finished The Secret Life of Bees this a.m. Very good book. For those that know, how are Sue Monk Kidd's other books in comparison. I know she writes memoirs and other non-fiction, but what's the scope with other fiction? I need a good book. I'm in a fiction phase I think, and perhaps a Southern fiction phase. I'm Faulkner-ed and O'Conner-ed out for now, though. Something in the vein of Larry Brown, perhaps....
  10. New for 2007 that I like very much: David Bromberg, Try Me One More Time Mavis Staples, We'll Never Turn Back Rickie lee Jones, The Sermon on Exhibition Boulevard Ralph Stanley, The Essential Masters Charlie Louvin, Charlie Louvin Son Volt, The Search Older "new" ones I picked up and like a heap: The Black Crowes, Lost Crowes Ralph Stanley, Songs of the Carter Family Earl Scruggs, Doc Watson, Rickey Skaggs, The Three Pickers Jerry Jeff Walker, A Man Must Carry On Martin Sexton, Seeds Pete Townshend, Gold Ray Charles and the Count Basie Orchestra, Ray Sings, Basie Swings Sam Bush &
  11. Kids are over-protected. Too many soft parents. Every kid gets a medal for participating and they grow up thinking life's unfair when they find out they're actually not as good at something as the next person. That's what's wrong with this country. And people trying to pass off Canadian bacon as real bacon. I shouldn't have to state "not Canadian" when asking for bacon.
  12. Haven't read the whole thread but I'll re-state that this album is one of a handful (or two) I enjoy listening to all the way through each time. I don't care about the jewel case or liner note editions but I'm intersted in the demos edition to accompany the re-mastered originals.
  13. Apples and oranges. Both are great for what they are in uniqueness.
  14. I get a kick out of people acknowleging that the Red Sox and Yankees are both great for ratings on the one hand but then complaining that they show too many of their games on the other. The ratings are high because a lot of people watch those games. A lot of people want to watch those games. What's wrong with catering to what most people want to watch? It's not like they show every game, either. You get your chance to watch "your" team as well. The hype over BOS/NYY has died down a bit since 2004. It's not as annoying, imo, as it was previous to 2004. But again, it's still a long-standing r
  15. Back in late April against NYY (Chase Wright) who were up 3-0 at the time: Manny->J.D. Drew-> Lowell-> Varitek.
  16. C'mon man, four more blasts and we're back in this thing.
  17. Is "crazy" the new term the kids are using these day for shitbucket?
  18. Eesh. Very un-MDC-like. C'monnnnn....offense....
  19. I remember on this date in 1988 at a show in FLA I signed an enormous birthday card for Bob out in the parking lot. I don't remember if it made it into the show or not, but there you go. I think I told him to dabble his fingertips in bleach for no apparent reason.
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