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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. No slam on Louie at all here, but how many albums are truly "masterpieces?" I can think of very, very few off the cuff that I'd listen to all the way through each time due to the fact that they are masterpieces. Every artist has hits/misses on their albums. Generally, (and this may be indicative of my feeble brain or a tinge of the apathetic in me), I'm happy if a handful of the tunes on an album move me. Take Dylan's latest Modern Times. There are some well written/composed tunes on there. There are also a few I typically skip over. Duds in my eyes/ears. Yet, it's hailed as one of the best
  2. Natural cigs are the best, too. The natural food market is taking over the feeble minds....
  3. It may be hard for anyone who wasn't a pre-pubescent/pubescent male in the mid-late 70s to understand that....
  4. As a member, this is amusing. It can be pretty cut-throat over there and there is a unique sub-culture that transpires behind the scenes of the main board, but overall I believe it's the best place to get the best Sox info./analysis without the fluff/fanboy crap of a lot of the other sites. Plus, guys like Schilling, Theo, J. Henry, etc. are members so you get first-hand accounts
  5. Congrats and best of luck. You officially have but 4 months to sleep as you now know it.
  6. Indeed. And I'm puttin' on my black leather.
  7. Looks like an announcement will be made in a day or so, re: MLB Extra Innings/DirecTV.I'm bummed this thing is going down: http://www.bizofbaseball.com/index.php?opt...1&Itemid=52
  8. You know, it is a nice historical document. It's through the lenses of HST, of course, which makes it a unique take on not just the lead up to the election/election itself, but as a social commentary. There's a good deal of political talk involved, obviously, along with some dry parts about primary predictions/results, but ultimately it's a worthy read because of what HST brings to it. He wasn't a political analyst and he wasn't an "insider," so he had nothing to lose in telling it like it is (or at least how he perceived it to be). It's loaded with his trademark wit, too, with lots of side
  9. Hey, she has birthed two kids. Hiiiiiiiii.....Jo-kerrrrrr.....
  10. It was kind of big in the early-mid 70s in my neighborhood. I remember going through a bunch of Red Sox "batting helmets" which were made of cheap plastic.
  11. The forthcoming Kings of Leon, Because of the Times. Pretty good so far.
  12. I wonder if the new synthetic material will cause outbreaks of rashes on Barry Bond's head when it clashes with all the synthetic materials in his body. Or if they'll have enough material to supply his gargoyle dome for an entire season, even.
  13. There's a new HST book on it's way out. I'm not sure about the exact release date, but I'm on the waitlist at the local library and it's been ordered.... http://www.amazon.com/Mutineer-Ravings-Mis...9622948-1744021 I've also seen mention of a forthcoming collection of letters/comments/oral history about the man himself, as put together by editor and HST friend Warren Hinkle, from various companions over his lifespan. I believe it's called "Who Killed Hunter Thompson."
  14. People who claim to know jackrabbits will tell you they are primarily motivated by Fear, Stupidity, and Craziness. But I have spent enough time in jackrabbit country to know that most of them lead pretty dull lives; they are bored with their daily routines: eat, fuck, sleep, hop around a bush now and then... No wonder some of them drift over the line into cheap thrills once in a while; there has to be a powerful adrenalin rush in crouching by the side of a road, waiting for the next set of headlights to come along, then streaking out of the bushes with split-second timing and making it across
  15. I read a quote by Ralph Steadman recently in which he poders whether HST wound up in heaven or hell after his death. To paraphrase, Steadman suggested that HST would probably try them both out and settle on the one where Nixon ended up, as HST hated to be bored and would dig the confrontations with him.
  16. Yes. I have checked it out of my local library several times. It should be pretty easy to find (at least in the States it is) as it's done by VH1. Link about a description of the film: http://www.amazon.com/VH1-Inside-Out-Warre...n/dp/B0000V46RM
  17. A great album. I'll listen to anything Warren has put out, but this one is so damn meaningful. A beautiful record. It's amazing the friends that show up to help him record his (knowingly) last album. Froggie, if you have not seen the documentary done on Warren during this last phase of his life you owe it to yourself to watch it. Very well done. Tasteful. Poignant.
  18. I remember discovering HST in my very early teens and being taken with his talent to convey "moments" in time with his unique and acerbic wit. He's typically remembered as being an outlaw, a crazed loon, a dope fiend, a heavy drinker, etc. Certainly he helped perpetuate this image, but what really gets me about him is that when all the images are momentarily pushed to the side, what we're left with is some amazing writing. Ultimately, his writing moves me. It makes me think. It allows me to enter his head and see things from a "shared" viewpoint (at times). Yes, it wasn't a big surprise
  19. Yeah, it doesn't. It's amazing the feelings I still get listening to it. It's as if it's the first time every time. I feel the same way about the majority of Exile on Main Street, too. Torn&Frayed, Loving Cup, Happy, On Down The Line, Tumblin' Dice, etc. Man.
  20. I watched this dvd a few weekends ago. As well as the Live in Brooklyn one. Good stuff.
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