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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. i didn't know tiger woods even played soccer
  2. we just simply don't have the history here with the game. there are no cultural underpinnings. no love and fascination passed on from generation to generation. no international superstars born, raised and nurtured here. our best athletes have too many other choices that have higher public profiles. Our talent pool is instantaneously diluted. bringing a non-american to play in a league that doesn't have the talent pool of the best leagues in the world... people flocked to see lance armstrong race whenever he raced domestically, but they still don't care about nor understand bicycle racing. on
  3. no, they actually didn't. i know becuase I was here and I was into it. soccer has been marketed every which way from sunday in this country and it hasn't stuck yet. it ain't ever going to either. I played for 17 years, was a regional all-star, and now coach and I only marginally care.
  4. Pele played in NY. People still don't care about soccer here.
  5. the holiday season should be renamed oinkivus
  6. that won't be on oink for very long edit: actually it's gone already
  7. which, ironically enough, neither colin nor his girl friend are able to do. which makes it pretty darn funny
  8. I guess this is sort of now waiting for Not since "Breaking Away" (1979) has there been a true bike-racing film to hit the big screen - unless we include the animated "Les Triplettes de Belleville" (2003). The long wait maybe worthwhile because Variety magazine announced Wednesday that MGM has bought worldwide distribution rights to the Graeme Obree biopic "The Flying Scotsman." It will debut at U.S. theatres on December 29. Miller as Obree The new movie is based on the autobiography of Obree, the eccentric Scottish amateur cyclist who astounded the cycling world in 1993 by bre
  9. exactly. and i think that's a pretty damn good plan. especially if they can blame their inability to sign him based on unreasonable demands by Boris.
  10. i said the people in the thread were speculating, not the red sox. I also said the red sox were merely blocking any other team from signing him, without actually intending to part with the vasts sums of money being discussed. pretty much that remains as vaible a possibility as anything else posited.
  11. this isn't a move, business or otherwise, yet. you're speculating as much as anyone else.
  12. i think the point is any redsox fan who thinks this is the savior and he's actually going to play is delusional. it's a good move they took him off the market. the potential downside is that when they waste the guy for a year japanese clubs could be far less inclined to negotiate with them in the future
  13. anybody can spend as much time as they want spinning the dollar figures on this deal and until he's actually in a redsox uniform I say it's total bullshit. the moeny doesn't make any sense and at 25 million a year there is no potential ROA. That's a-rod money (which was stupid) for a guy who is probably going to get shelled like the rest of the japanese league pitchers that come here.
  14. i'll take the bets now. this guy never ends up on the redsox. it's totally a move to block him from going to other teams. paying that fee to talk to the guy and then tack on 15 million for three years, since Boris is his agent. that's like 90 million for three years. There isn't a pitcher alive worth that kind of coin.
  15. people seem to cling to the idea that a firmer embrace of the middle ground will provide an answer to our myriad problems.the truth is truly left or right candidates are unelectable as these elections are decided by the undecided middle....dependent upon undecided voters in one or two states. the two party ticket seems to embrace the falacy that core members of the opposite party will vote for a ticket with a member of the opposite party on it, thus ensuring victory.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azgBhZfcqaQ
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