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Papillon Parade

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Everything posted by Papillon Parade

  1. Ahhhh Halifax. Lived there for about 5 years. It's one of my favourite places in the world. Definitely visit the economy shoe shop, it was one of my favourite haunts while I lived there. Peggy's Cove is definitely worth the trip. It's about 40 mins outside the city. If there are any shows going on at the Marquee Club on Gottigen St. I'd check that out. The Seahorse, next to the shoe shop, is a great place for punk music if you're into that. Check out Neptune Theatre for a live show. Definitely walk around the waterfront and get something to eat while listening to bagpipe buskers. F
  2. That's always been my fave song to listen to after a breakup!
  3. I haven't seen the movie, but that's what I was wondering too. No wonder kids these days are fucked..look what happens to them in school now...R rated movies, teachers trying to sleep with them, and the latest...being scared shitless thinking there is a gunman trying to kill them.
  4. sweet ass...this reminds me of R Kelly's Ignition that Oldham covered a few years ago. For those interested... Songs Covered by the Bonnie Prince
  5. I love 'em. Anton Newcombe is a genius.
  6. "I want to push to see how far we can go with it. Okay, we've never done a tour of Canada. Well, let's not take the easy way out and just play all the major cities. You play Winnipeg, Manitoba. What about the guys who live 200 miles north or whatever? I always think that if I lived in the Northwest Territories or the Yukon, it would be nice if bands came here once in a while." While I don't live in the desolate north, I do live on a very small island off the coast of Nova Scotia. As you can imagine, we don't get many good bands coming to the area. The closest they come is Halifax, which is
  7. Love the new single, finally heard it Saturday night. Just scored 3rd row tix for the anniversary show in Glace Bay!
  8. A very good friend of mine is getting married next month and his wedding song is California Stars
  9. I will be at the Savoy Theatre show in Glace Bay. It's 2 minutes from my house. I just get back from seeing Wilco at Massey on June 30th and then get to see Jack and Meg in my backyard. We went out as them for Halloween last year and everything! About two people knew who we were. I will post a full report of the evening. This was in our local paper: Another special moment of this tour is the show which will occur in Glace Bay on July 14, the White Stripes' 10th Anniversary,adds White, whose original last name is Gillis, evidence of his rumoured Cape Breton ancestry. We'll have them
  10. Awwww...I can just see her driving to Arizona and listening to Reservations at the end of the tape and turning the car around. That's what I would do. I'm a big fan of using a mixed-tape/cd as an expression of emotion. You can tell people how you feel, but adding instruments to it just adds so much more emotion. My boyfriend and I do it for each other about every 3 months or so and it's great. Sometimes they are silly french songs from the 30's, and other times they are serious songs like Death Cabs "I Will Follow You Into The Dark". We have a library of about 30 cd's or so now that we'
  11. You can watch the performance on ifctv.com. And yes, Rollins is a badass, a sexy badass.
  12. Pissed is one thing, calling his daughter a thoughtless pig for not answering his call is another. This was his daughter, not some business associate. Regardless of the backstory this is no way to talk to your child.
  13. Poor poor rich little Alec, has to drop everything and call his daughter. It's called parenthood ya fuck. No wonder she didn't answer his call. I'm sure a trip to dad's house is a grand ol' time. "C'mere and eat your kraft dinner pig, you've humiliated me for the last time!". Ahhh the memories.
  14. Hmmm...I'll have to check it out. I haven't listened to Rufus in years.
  15. I agree. I think it's a popularity contest. I know people who spend literally HOURS a day on Facebook and Myspace. As for the fun part, what happened to going outside? No wonder we're a nation of pasty white fatties.
  16. Ah yes, if only I didn't dislike him so much I'd love him. Good tune.
  17. I love the Desmond story line, although I wish they'd show what Locke is up to.
  18. Ahhhh..i wish I could live it over again. It was last July on Alderney Landing in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. We headed down to lineup at the gate at about 2 in the afternoon. There were a few cool kids in front of us. It was hot as hell. We got to watch Jeff do an interview for Much Music and listen to them warmup with a few new tunes. Then Nels came over to the lineup to talk to this guy in front of us that he knew. I froze. Finally the gates opened at 6 and we ran for the front since it was general admission. We landed front row, just to the left. The anticipation nearly killed me. W
  19. You can check out the performance on IFC's website...he's there, in the flesh.
  20. Was watching The Henry Rollins Show Friday night and caught the band Ringside sing "Struggle", and it was great...Balthazar Getty is in the band! Has anyone else heard them? Is it just a one off good song? TBR&R
  21. Agreed...that and You Are My Face make me wanna quit my job and join a band...Wilco preferably.
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