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Papillon Parade

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Everything posted by Papillon Parade

  1. I'll be sure to check it out. Metric played at a festival around here last summer and I missed it...kicking myself in the ass for it now.
  2. Hey, Some of you may have heard this before, but if you haven't give it a listen. It's Emily Haines from Metric covering Between the Bars. It's great whether you're a fan of Metric or Elliot Smith, or both...like me. Between the Bars TBR&R
  3. My b/f and I are heading up from Nova Scotia on Thursday morning. Super stoked. We're sitting in Row G seats 40,41 I believe. We're definitely gonna hang around after the show to try and meet the guys, so no doubt we'll meet up. I atleast want another guitar pic for my collection, but to meet Jeff and the boys would be unreal. Everyone have a great long weekend. See you at the front of the stage!
  4. Saw FOTC last night and LOVED it! "You could be a paaart-tiiime modellll". I caught another ep. of John from Cincinnati too and still really dig the show.
  5. I just heard that Ashely MacIsaac will be opening for them at the 10th Anniversary show. Ashley is a killer fiddler from Cape Breton Island who apparently Jack is related to somehow. I have a feeling they are going to blow the roof off the place with Rag and Bone together.
  6. Wow man, that's a pretty shitty deal. Sorry about the bad luck.
  7. Check out John From Cincinnati on HBO, it's a surfing based show..pretty wicked. We have winter surfing here in Nova Scotia which is VERY cold. I don't surf myself, but always liked the culture.
  8. I taped it to watch tonight. Have you seen John From Cincinnati yet?
  9. I am getting Music Is My Savior tattooed across my back as part of a full back music piece.
  10. Venus Stopped The Train is just plain depressing. Please Tell My Brother is sad for me in a very personal way.
  11. Yeah, I haven't received mine yet either. Glad I saw this post, I didn't see the earlier one.
  12. Sounds like it was an excellent night. I can't wait to see him live myself.
  13. Thought it was great. A little unexpected how it just ended like that with Meadow walking in, but I'll get over it.
  14. I really thought Janice would have had a more of a "losing her mind" scene. I expected rolling on the floor, that sort of thing. I'm not that bothered over Bobby, but Sil... I loved how they ended the episode...just Tony and a gun. The anticipation is KILLING me, but I don't want it to end.
  15. Pilot? I didn't even know they bought in.
  16. I agree completely. I always thought VW had the best commercials and the Pink Moon commercial did the same thing for me. It's not like they are doing KIA commericals. I love my V-dub and Wilco, and I especially love listening to Wilco in my V-dub. Nothing is going to change that, certainly not a bunch of "fans" calling them sellouts.
  17. When you were a freshman, I was learning how to walk.
  18. Thanks for posting. I'll have to check out more of their stuff.
  19. I live in a remote area of Nova Scotia and our music store doesn't have the greatest selection. I could order it online, but I doubt it would get here in time.
  20. My boss will celebrate his 40th b-day next weekend and for it I made him a wicked print of the Chelsea Hotel. He hasn't heard any Wilco yet so I thought it'd be cool to give him Chelsea Walls to go with the print, but I don't own it. Would any of you kind folk be able to send it to me? Cheers, TBR&R
  21. Hold out Elixir Sue! I tried to with SBS, but my boyfriend burned me a copy without knowing I didn't want to hear it until it was released. Holding out for a CD to be released is a kick ass little present for yourself. I have front row center tix for the W.S. 10th anniversary show!
  22. I'm in Nova Scotia and got mine on Monday. It's so worth the wait!
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