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Everything posted by awatt

  1. awatt

    Sky Blue Sky

    I've listened to this over and over for last few days and I can now say with utter confidence it is far and away the best album ever made! I laughed, I cried, I danced, I pondered life's mysteries....
  2. Well I was walking down the High Road, And this guy stops me, He'd just got in from New Zealand, And he was looking for some mushy peas I said, no, we hadn't really got any around here, I said, but we do got... Balti, Bhindi, strictly Hindi. Dall, Halal, and I'm walking down the road, We got, rocksoul, okra, bombay duck-ra, Shrimp beansprout, comes with it or without, Bagels soft or simply harder, Exotic avocado or toxic empenada, We got, akee, lassi, Somali waccy baccy, I'm sure back home you know what tikka's all about... Welcome stranger...to the humble neighbour hoods, You can get inspirat
  3. Are there other bands besides Wilco?
  4. I still love em all... At the moment though, Walken rules.
  5. awatt

    Sky Blue Sky

    I friggin' love it!!!
  6. Can you say a little more about how it resembles BAIT USA? Lyrics? Music? Before SBS, I was listening to USA over and over and over and over and over so am curious about the comparison.
  7. I particularly like the lyrics about death, religion, and domestic turmoil...
  8. Looks like mp3 of What Light is now available on the SBS page at wilcoworld. Nice.
  9. I'm going to buy SBS when it is released... but in the meantime would love a PM. It's been a while.
  10. Hopper, no doubt. I have Nighthawks in my office, where I belong....
  11. I'm late to this party but finally am watching this dvd and no doubt best part is before Laminated Cat when Jeff explains what he does all day--farting, drinking diet coke, sleeping, scratching his balls, etc., and the dude yells out "I'm in love!". Classic. Then Laminated Cat, which may be best cut on the entire dvd. More commentary to come...
  12. From review: The verses of "Shake It Off" had Tweedy singing a tip-toeing, ascending vocal melody that was paired with an electric piano. The song then transitioned Pink Floyd-style into a series of muscular guitar breaks featuring a powerful, stuttered riff. I'm giddy with excitement to hear this one. Sounds like a fantastic show, with Hell is Chrome as opening!!! How was that?
  13. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Klay by Michael Chabon. Not sure if this has already been mentioned here but a real treat to read. Well-deserved Pulitzer, I think.
  14. You're all too fucking kind!! I'm surprised, moved, touched, humbled. I'm really just drunk at the moment wondering why you even care, or why the hell I care about VC! We're in Canada so we skipped the Thanksgiving meal last night (they had Canadian Thanksgiving last month) and opted for an Indian feast, which was sweet (especially the mango chutney) and then chocolate cheesecake dessert (super sweet). Been traveling a lot lately and now in-laws visiting till next week, then it's back to Atlanta next month and normal routines, like staying active here. Although, to be honest, I think AWAT
  15. Happy Birthday!! Enjoy your day and all the love/vibes heading your way...
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