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Clouds of Fluff

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Everything posted by Clouds of Fluff

  1. Severe thunderstorms in front of snow for tomorrow. wtf?
  2. Awww. This has been depressing. I'm worried about the apple orchards around here now. I haven't heard how they are faring with all this... The iris still look okay...do you think they'll make it? Between the cold and wind our magnolia didn't stand a chance. A little sun today though. That's something. {{{spring vibes all}}}
  3. Very sad. He will be missed. His is one voice we were still desperately needing in this day and age.
  4. I remember the first 45 I bought was ABBA ~ Winner Takes It All...the first cassette I bought with my own money was probably Rick Springfield ~ Working Class Dog or Duran Duran ~ Rio. I went to several concerts with my parents growing up, mostly along the lines of John Denver, Beach Boys, Crystal Gale, and Air Supply type things. But the first one I probably paid to see was Joan Jett and Loverboy.
  5. We missed meeting you very much as well. (atomicblooz says so too for the record) Thank you so much for that link. I see several classes I am very interested in...l see a chocolate making one on a Saturday all ready that I am very interested in. Cool.
  6. That French Toast sounds yummmmy! (I don't like eggs much and have a child allergic, so this is something I definitely would like to try). M. Chris, I would love to learn more about Thai cooking. We've had to do without it for the most part because of the peanut factor (kiddo's other food allergy), but I keep thinking if I could learn some recipes, I may be able to modify them so we could at least have it at home. (LOL, one of the few things I actually got accomplished on Friday before we headed home was to get some crystallized ginger from the Merk...love to eat it out of the bag...in
  7. Wow, many thanks for sharing these froggie. Good stuff. Links much appreciated as well, mark.
  8. My son's most favorite right now.
  9. Aww, congrats Tom!! Well done. Donna, you know how to grow 'em...hope you guys enjoy a little well-deserved family celebration (and hope Tom gets some well-deserved sleep to help replenish all those big brain cells in time for next quarter). (Donna, I'm always quick to point out that mom to son smartness link when the boy does something intelligent...and then...well other times I keep that information to myself Just kidding. Mostly. I always 'fess up to the mom to son love link though. [/mushy stuff] )
  10. I miss John. I love the chocolate donuts. I love the gin (Bombay ) and tonic (with lime). But not together and especially not at 9 a.m. You my friend, are made of tough stuff.
  11. You've just made my colon hurt. (You must be under the age of 25?)
  12. Like Mardi Gras 24/7? Hope Liverwurst has given you all the beads you desire.
  13. We'll see you there! And big thanks to Susan for keeping us updated (and thinking to include the VC community), and thanks to you and Jeff for doing this. Sounds like a great opportunity.
  14. We are anxiously trying to figure out how dignified it would be to come (to a Jeff Tweedy solo show) from Kansas. Many thanks for the info. Susan! We look forward to more details.
  15. Many thanks for the setlist Wendy. Yes, Chi-town it is! And I will let you know on the other...I know someone is uploading it now as we speak.
  16. Very nice. Even though it was choppy in places (country livin' and a bad web connection). Will search for the capture soon. I agree Wendy, can't believe they did 2 1/2 hours. Loverly.
  17. It's atomicblooz' fave. Yeah, I never tire of it either. Weird, huh?
  18. Avatar rocks. Matt's gonna take some clothes off. Aww, Paul. Weather With You now. Love the Maori strum.
  19. Nails In My Feet now. Yes Wendy, I think the Johnny Walker must be keeping Neil going. Good stuff.
  20. Mean To Me Something So Strong Silent House English Trees Pineapple Head I may have missed one (or two) as our connection comes and goes.
  21. I'm what I can hear, but our connection sucks. (Hopefully someone is capturing it somewheres out on the interwebs). Fingers of Love for Sharon...awww.
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