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Clouds of Fluff

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Everything posted by Clouds of Fluff

  1. Happy 40th, Jeff! Hope it's a fab day filled with family, friends, and diet coke. Thanks for being so good to us!
  2. Amazing pics, Carl! Thanks for posting them here! I love the one of Jeff and Glenn...Jeff's expression is priceless. What a neat venue too...beautiful evening for the concert as well. Love the "moonshot". Are there any VCers in your group shot? A happy crowd indeed. P.S. I'm Cloudy everywhere.
  3. I'll be there or my name isn't Clouds of Fluff.
  4. Sending healing/get well soon vibeage from Kansas, Nels!
  5. Awww, big congrats! And baby pics are always welcome.
  6. Hope you're having a tremendous day! Stop by and see us soon...hope newlywed life is treating you well. (I am listening to Spoon right now in your honor. )
  7. I'm also a big fan of Miseducation... and actually don't mind some of the talking, so should check out the unplugged album sounds like. Thanks for the head's up on the song as well...think I need to search that one out. Would love to hear something new of hers.
  8. Well, Happy Dad's day to all the great men (uncles, cat daddies, etc. included) here at VC!
  9. Great shots there! (Beautiful night shots too.) Thanks for posting them.
  10. Radio Cure was the first one that popped into my mind too.
  11. OMG That would be brilliant. What a great venue. *sigh* (So what's the rumored date?) Have a great time!
  12. Can't be done. Have a fabby time all! Should be a good one.
  13. WHAT??!!! You're gonna be in our nation's midsection and this is how I find out? (granted it's like many hours from here...) I have no plans to be there. Yet.
  14. Jamie, I asked my computer guy (hubby) and he said that the 5Gb limit is traffic both ways, meaning the people who are downloading from you also count toward that 5Gb limit when you use Azerus...so that may account for the 2Gb in one day thing. (For example, if the show you downloaded was a 1Gb, and your share ratio was close to 1, then you would have used 2Gb...which is upload plus download if that makes sense?) Thought I'd throw that out there...hubby doubts it's a virus too. Know there's a lot of computer knowledge here so maybe someone else can confirm that or has a better idea.
  15. Happiest of Days To Our Dear Bereted Friend! Hope it's a good one.
  16. These are really neat...not the thread I thought I was walking into, so bonus!
  17. My favorites: ditto to thermocaster and wheelco. It's all good though...the only song I had a hard time warming up to was On & On & On...but after the third listen, I also gave it a thumb's up. Also really looking forward to seeing these played live as well.
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