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Clouds of Fluff

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Everything posted by Clouds of Fluff

  1. Or 16 Frames. (did they open for CH at Ann Arbor?) I also saw Mr. Bird last week for the first time...am very excited to see him again and have hubby see what I'm going on about (his music people!). Should be a good pairing... Just got an e-mail, KC tix are in the mail too!
  2. Holy kidsmokes! These are truly wonderful! Zowweeee...I'm not gonna post any of mine now. Fantastic. (Did you get any of soundcheck btw?)
  3. Wished you could of joined us too. It was great to hang with you after the show for a bit though...your friends were very cool too. (Love the earrings btw! ) Everyone is invited to KC...we have Boulevard beer and 75th Street makes a mean Muddy Mo' Stout.
  4. That was all too fun you people. It was nice to meet you btw, ikol. Somehow doing laundry today just pales in comparison.
  5. I'd like to hear your happy chatter before and after too. *sigh* Great pics, Edie! Thanks for posting these...and wow, fobstl, thanks so much...amazing speed! Look forward to listening. I didn't have a whole lot of photos that turned out either, but I may post a couple that are okay soon...there's a funky one of Nels that I kinda like. LOL
  6. Dude, bro...I just about picked up a pair exactly like this before we left Columbia (I didn't though...but I even tried them on)...I'm not sure what this means. (I've also been considering a Ms. Hathaway do...sooie'n'sis' influence is far reaching!) on the edit: After reading Ms. Yvon's post, I may consider getting a pair just yet...apparently I need a 2 ounce miracle insert for my old tired woman feet...
  7. It's been awhile. Forgot how much I love this one...from start to finish. From the title track: ...If I can't be with you I would rather have a different face And if I can't be near you I would rather be adrift in space And if the gods desert us now I'll turn this chapel into flames And if someone tries to hurt you I would put myself in your place... :swoon
  8. Just wanted to say so glad you are all home safe and sound. I've already gushed in the RTT, so, being the emoticon whore I am, I'll just say this: (And also, a big thanks for reconsidering leavingabandoning me at the Ozark Wonder Cave. )
  9. I'm really liking these setlists! stevietheb, what a great shot of John...love the b/w.
  10. Aww, congrats turtlegirl! (How many years?) And I don't think I won't be able to make this. (And I don't think I won't be bringing a couple of dates.) Look forward to meeting everyone!
  11. Wow, wonderful photies, insideoutoflove! And per usual, I'm completely blown away, Mr. Lackey!
  12. More great shots! (Hubby told me to add his praise as well!) I always think Glenn's a bit of a blur too...but you manage to get good shots of him as well. Very cool. I especially like this one:
  13. *wheels keep turning* What's this venue like out of curiousity ...all I can find is something about the Arkansas Symphony? (That can't be right, can it?)
  14. Glad you got there in time, Edie! What a great setlist ...add me to the camp of others who hopes there's a recording. I'd love to hear that one!
  15. A few of my faves: 3:44 to 3:48 Muzzle of Bees 4:09 to 4:13 Impossible Germany And I always like the change after "...said goodnight" with the drum and piano beat on IATTBYH... 2:32 to 2:36.
  16. Have a wonderful day! (All I can remember right now is "Geburtstag"...oh, and "Freuhliche"..."Geweinnachten" is Christmas though...uhm, I won't embarrass myself any further...just hope it's a happy one!)
  17. I love his stuff. I recently had his quote as my signature...the one about, "Okay, let's go with this, no throwing anything regardless of housing situation". (not sure that's accurate...but refers to not throwing stones in glass houses, etc.). Oh, and hubby likes to quote the bit about the difference between toys and "adult toys", "Location, location, location." Seems like I need to get the CD?
  18. Happiest of days to the amazingly talented (and nice), Mr. Lackey! Enjoy! (My son's also a Virgo...tomorrow as a matter of fact...September babies rock!)
  19. Aww, blindgonzo...those are fantastic!! Couldn't happen to a nicer Canuck. Thanks so much for sharing them. (...and everyone's tan! LOL)
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