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Everything posted by uncool2pillow

  1. Nope. Wrong. But that's ok. I was wrong on this thread once too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Has anyone besides Hixter made it clear they are voting for him? He hasn't posted for a while.
  3. This fucker makes Rick "whoops" Perry look like a fucking genius. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. In any situation or on this particular thread? I mean, if I wanted to rank them alphabetically, I would take a totally different approach.
  5. A band that will always throw curveballs, mostly landing strikes.
  6. The Yawpers. Haven't heard of 'me? Check out American Man. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Good point. While I realize the sexist implications of calling her shrill, I'm afraid that's how she'll come off. Whether in this address or (preferably) in a press conference, she'll need a very complete and contrite accounting of the email situation. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. The great speeches from Michelle and Pres. Obama, Biden, Sanders, and Warren could backfire on Clinton. I don't think she has ever been a great orator.
  9. Then after his speech, the MSNBC commentators were talking about him as the guy who drives a Minivan and you would see at your daughter's soccer practice. I guess I'm hokey.
  10. My wife just described Tim Kaine as hokey. Pretty apt description IMO. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I'm convinced he was right when he said he could kill a guy on 5th Avenue and still do well.
  12. As a new, and somewhat reluctant, Democrat, I really enjoyed most of the convention last night. I really respect Bernie Sanders' devotion to his principles. Good lord, though, he gave an expensive speech last night!
  13. USWNT v Costa Rica in Kansas City #115degreeheatindex Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. It's mediated fear. There's Orlando, Dallas, San Bernadino. Also, many think the attacks in Nice and Paris or even Istanbul are as likely here. The news has convinced us that life is filled with danger around every corner though in reality we're probably as safe as we've ever been from violent crime and terrorism.
  15. Totally agree about using that song. It's saying, "You didn't get the nominee you wanted, you got me." Is he really trying to say we need him I suppose so.? I disagree about gaining new voters. We've mostly seen clips of his speeches. How many of us have a watched a complete speech? He mostly stayed on script (I thought joining the crowd on the USA chant played awkward on TV) and probably didn't sound as crazy as many of the clips have made him seem.
  16. My Senator Ernst isn't blonde. She's almost as crazy as Steve King, but not blonde. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Today I am appreciating the irony in my Facebook feed. Both Michael Moore and George W. Bush are upset about the direction of the country for completely opposite reasons.
  18. I think Star Wars was a great album name a la the Replacements Let it Be.
  19. I loved Star Wars. W(TA) is the only clunker in their catalog, IMO. But if you're disappointed with the material, not just the album names, I can understand that.
  20. It's hard to take your premise seriously. Album names is how you're going to judge a band?
  21. Even during this moment, he looked like a smug dick. I think he was saying to himself, "I just ruined Trump's chances to win this year, which makes it easier to run in 2020. I don't have to wait until 2024." I'm glad he did it, but I think it was all about him.
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