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Everything posted by anthony

  1. It would be cool if it went to a VCr, fo sure.
  2. Anyone give Atoms For Peace a spin yet? Any thoughts? I have to admit that it is not quite working for me. Feels like a cousin (sibling) of King of Limbs; which I am not a big fan. A little too electronic-y and not enough guitars. Oh, I see what TY is doing: emphasizing percussion and grooves. Sure, nice; but not quite enough for me to get into. I am a Radiohead fan and I realize it is unfair to compare a side project to TY's main gig, but I sure would like to see him (and band-mates) go back to a more guitar-based song construction. With that said, I am not the type of fan that says "
  3. . I am really digging this one. Country Jay!
  4. I have to admit I kinda dig it in a first-world artsy-fartsy way. Not to mention that the White Album has always been my favorite Beatles record. I don't think I sell my numbered copy, though.
  5. For those interested, there are a couple of really good time travel movies up on Netflix Streaming right now: Primer and Safety Not Guaranteed. Primer is an oddly realistic and strangely disturbing movie while SNG is more an quirky indie take on the genre. Both worth checking out.
  6. Yes, the FJM record is great. I cannot stop spinning the song "Writing a Novel". Infectious.
  7. Ha! Not work-out, but working. As in desk job.
  8. The payoff of the Late Greats is so much better if you go through the whole drone. Just listened to my vinyl copy of AGiB while working; not conducive to skipping songs.
  9. Damn, that would be cool. I would ask to play one of his guitars. Like the "Buck" SJ-200 or the 1950s(?) J-45 shown prominently in IATTBYH Doc
  10. Oscar nominated ... and its pretty awesome
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1RBu04p7FI
  12. I think I prefer Country Jay over Rock Jay. YMMV obviously.
  13. Yes, I worked all weekend trying to get it under my fingers. Almost there... Invented by Merle Travis. You can google it; lots of good stuff on the interwebs. But for me it comes down to these patterns (and variations therefore): --------------- -----1--------- -----------0--- --------2------ --3------------ --------------- -------------- -----------1-- -----0-------- --------2----- --3----------- -------------- ------------------------- --1-------------1-------- ----------0-----------0-- -------2-----------2----- --3----------3----------- ------------------------- ------------
  14. I don't think people who like M&Sons would vote for this as album of the year. Grammys = irrelevant (BTW, Katy Boob is my wife's musical guilty pleasure)
  15. http://vimeo.com/3269249 . JTE is quite a good travis picker
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