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Everything posted by anthony

  1. This would be my top two, as well. I would also add: Lightning Hopkins Doc Watson Dave Rawlings
  2. All wonderful wonderful novels. Skinny Legs may be No 1 or No 2 on my all-time list (battling w/ IJ).
  3. SInce I kinda started the Strat v Gibson debate, let me offer another heretical viewpoint: I don't like SRV's tone either. Too shrill.
  4. VEEP is very funny. Great ensemble
  5. +2. I will add that I enjoy some stuff from Derek+Dominos in addition to Cream but most solo work is a bit anemix to my ears. I kinda blame the strat (as sacrilege as that sounds). Should've stuck to the Gibsons.
  6. ^ That is a pretty good run of LPs in a 5 year period
  7. Ziggy, for me. But I do have a non-ironic soft spot for Let's Dance. BTW, anyone else love the Bowie covers on Life Aquatic from Seu Jorge? Too good. .
  8. I love Dickens, I went through a phase were I read about 5 novels back to back. Great Expectations is in my top 10 all time fav list.
  9. Happy Pi Day . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDMBtQjS1bQ . (hey, isn't it that guy from 1990s Mtv Singled Out?)
  10. I have read only one Pynchon ("V") and found it a difficult yet satisfying read. I may have to try another.
  11. Ooh. Good question. Off the top of my head my favorites (I am sure I will forget someone): David Foster Wallace Tom Robbins Douglas Coupland Neal Stephenson Jack Kerouac
  12. Congrats! On of my top 5 books of all time (maybe #1). I am jealous of you being able to read for 1st time. Enjoy the journey!
  13. I update the wiki spaces with a slightly different version that (tries to) mirror the Farm Aide solo version. Comments / suggestion welcome. Remember The Mountain Bed
  14. I think Bill Murray shaped my young mind into what I call "comedy" to this day. That deadpan delivery, that dry quick wit, ... genius. And from what I read, a pretty cool dude, as well.
  15. Do you know if the vinyl has a digital download as well?
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