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Everything posted by anthony

  1. Gosh, you guys have me nervous now. Small venue, no presale, gotta buy tix at work, ... I do not want to miss these Largo shows.
  2. Gosh, I am excited. I have never seen a JT solo show. Finally.
  3. I am a big comic reader. Right now, I am reading mostly Image stuff (Chew, East of West, Saga, Invincible, Satellite Sam, ...). It seems you are a Marvel person?
  4. I am really hoping for LA/OC/SD show. If not, I'll do the road trip. Unfortunately, my F150 does not have a trunk. BTW, in your avatar, are those shelves of comic books?
  5. Neko is on the Nerdist Podcast this week. An entertaining listen; she has a great sense of humor. Bonus: Who would have guessed that Kelly Hogan is obsessed with Frasier?
  6. You guys are not helping my GAS or PAS (pedal acquisition syndrome). The good news: I have no interest in cowboy boots.
  7. Upstream Color was the only movie that I recall seeing this year that kinda blew me away. Not quite as enjoyable as his first movie (Primer) and the narrative looses focus for a bit, but definitely one that sticks with you. . (for guily pleasure popcorn movie, I have to admit I enjoyed Star Trek Into Darkness. On the fence about Man of Steel. Good first act, but got bored of the building smashing at end).
  8. Right now, there is a clear winner for me as best record of 2013: Haunting, soulful, minimalist, passionate, ... I cannot get enough of this one. The odd tunings, the drones, the repeated musical figures throughout. It is an experience, not just a collection of songs. . I do have high hope for Neko (I have not listened to the stream, yet) so you never know. But it seems this one will be hard to beat for me.
  9. Not a complete tab, per se, but a good start: Shouldn't Be Ashamed
  10. I did not mind the Red Wedding too much until they killed the Rob's Dire Wolf. That is unacceptable. UnFuckingAcceptable. Might be done with GoT after that.
  11. I think this counts: Don Mclean American Pie . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0Y_XRiJsCI
  12. Is it possible to become addicted to kale based cold pressed juices? Need vs Want
  13. I find it fascinating what records inspired people to learn guitar. It speaks so much, doesn't it? This almost deserves its own thread. I learned guitar (mostly) to The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan and Neil Young's Harvest.
  14. Damn, JTE is awesome solo acoustic. Great picker and good banter. Enjoy.
  15. This. I have had the exact same experience with this band. I was a huge fan around Emotionalism and, like you, traveled to see shows (they were a phenomenal live act) and, like you, even sprung for the vinyl Carpenter LP. But I barely gave it more than a few spins. I did not like the slick, pop-y polished product. I, too, very much dislike this forgettable new song. And, if it is any indication, I will probably not buy the record or see a show. I was really hoping for a 3rd Gleam EP (stripped down, folky, more banjo/less electric guitar, etc.). I posted a similar (condensed) version of m
  16. New record coming in October. Listen to first single at NPR. Pretty quick turn from the last record.
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