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Everything posted by anthony

  1. I heard "The Whole Love" at the REI in Tustin, Calif.
  2. I am not much of a repeater, but I do recall a few instances: * In high school, I discovered Led Zeppelin (duh, who didn't? what a cliche). I remember being obsessed with "Since I've Been Loving You" and playing over and over. It was tough in those days, I had LZ3 on cassette tape. To rewind took effort! * Don't remember when this was, but I was mesmerized by Muddy Water's version of "Walking Blues". Repeated that tune. * I was late to the game, but when I did finally hear NMH's Aeroplane Over the Sea, I repeated the crap out of that record (not one song; the entire LP). Back to back to back
  3. I had no idea UT had a video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ilDhb2qk1M
  4. Yeah, that does not work for me either anymore (that was how I used to do it: copy/paste). Now I go to the "Special BB Code" and insert link into "Media". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cfc3rCQOuU
  5. Hmmmm.... No Mermaid on the official list?
  6. I am very happy to share in things I enjoy so much. I hope one clicks for you. By the way, not sure if digital is your bag, but you can always test drive the first issue on Comixology.com; the first issue in a series is usually (if not always?) free! That is how I usually check out new titles before jumping into a collection. And while Istill buy paper at my local shop, I do appreciate the convenience of digital - and they look great on tablets (I use a Kindle Fire).
  7. I agree. I have such a soft spot for Figure 8.
  8. I, too, have read walking dead. Not my favorite title out right now, but enjoyable. I would suggest picking up the first trade paperback collections of one of the following: * "Saga" - The darling of the industry at the moment; and the praise is well deserved, IMHO. Think a cross between Romeo & Juliet and Star Wars. * "East of West" - A challenging read with gorgeous artwork ostensibly about the 4 horseman of the apocalypse the betrayal of Death (because he fell in love). * "Chew" - A more humorous book about a guy who can see the past history of things he eats. Set in an alternative pres
  9. I am glad you (kinda) liked it. I would say all his work is quirky. They all have a political / satirical undertone, if not as heavy handed as Legs. If you enjoyed the quirk and writing style, I would suggest giving another a go. Perhaps "Fierce Invalids" or "Jitterbug Perfume". Other favorites on mine.
  10. A photon walks into a hotel. The clerk asks "Do you have any luggage?". The photon replies "No, I am travelling light".
  11. I am happy to see another comic reader here on VC. I have become quite obsessed with them recently. I have not read Fables, but it is on my 'to-do' list. There are so many great 'adult' (for lack of a better word; I don't mean T&A but stories/art targeted at non-children) titles out there right now, it feels like a golden age.
  12. I routinely listen to the Nerdist podcast, as well as This American Life and RadioLab. And I occasionally listen to WTF with Marc Maron.
  13. Miles Davis version of "Autumn Leaves"
  14. Yes, at least according to this blog post (grain of salt, of course)
  15. I think I saw there was going to be an Uncle Tupelo 7" reissue, as well.
  16. The noise section of the live version is one of many little musical high water marks for the band. I think if you wanted to introduce a new person to the band, this is were you start.
  17. Most days, Animals is my favorite PF. Sometimes its Meddle. Everything else is a distant third. I know if may be blasphemy, but I do not care for the early pre-Gilmour Syd Barret stuff.
  18. Count me as one who LOVED the avetts (4 thieves thru 2nd gleam is a brilliant run). But I starting souring on the avetts during I and Love and You. Barely listened to Carpneter. And the one teaser from Magpile was wholely uninspiring. With that said, PGFC live is one the most amazing performances. I have not witnessed live (so jealous), but the youtube clips are impressive. Check out the one from Solona Beach, for example. They will prolly always bring a good live show.
  19. I loved Dunces. I do not remember it being a challenging read. Very enjoyable.
  20. Wow. Really enjoyed this one. Recommended.
  21. For quirky and entertaining, can I suggest something by Tm Robbins? Perhaps "Skinny Legs and All" or "Fierce Invalids". Also, DFW's "Broom to the System" fits the bill, IMO.
  22. One of the few books I could not finish. The other one (that I can think of): Naked Lunch.
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