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Everything posted by anthony

  1. Check out this "road worn" 1957 LGO: A bargain for $850
  2. Yes. According to the website they have: 1. Nitrocellulose Lacquer 2. Dunlop 6105 Fretwire 3. 9.5" fingerboard radius I think they special order a bunch just for that dealer.
  3. Wow. Jealous. Must...Resist...GAS! Any pics you can share?
  4. Davesguitar.com has some "thin skin" teles (as well as other fenders).
  5. I always assumed that we had access to most of Wilco's unreleased gems (Cars Can't Escape, TB is Whipping Me, etc.), but Unlikely Japan made me think JT has some interesting stuff stashed away.
  6. I liked it (I am an unapologetic sucker for Sci-Fi), but didn't love it (to borrow a phrase from this thread). Interesting visuals, a few great moments of tension and drama but a somewhat tired plot. And, didn't like the 3rd act at all. A little too slasher flick for my tastes.
  7. From that picture, I had "Deadwood City" & "Your Code Name is Jonah"
  8. The Iron and Wine version makes me cry every time. He is a fricking ghost!!
  9. I just bought these CDs today (I know, I know. I am pathetically late to the party ...)
  10. Me, too. Sue: Can you please talk JT into doing a SoCal Solo Tour? Please!
  11. I am not a fan. The feel like an affectation to me.
  12. D'oh! What a dumbass I am. I guess I got Eggers on the brain because I am now reading "What is the What".
  13. I just finished reading David Foster Wallace’s epic novel Infinite Jest. I wanted offer my review and miscellaneous comments regarding this work of staggering genius (to borrow a DFW phrase). --- By the way, several spoilers for those who have not read IJ; you are warned --- First off, it is a daunting task to actually read. Not just because of the length; not just because of the density. I found the first 1/3 to be mentally taxing because of all the little unexplained things. Things that will not get explained until later on in the novel. You get confused reading about the Concavity or
  14. I happened to read CitR at just the right time: I was in my early 20s and feeling disillusioned about ... well ... everything. I was going to college with a major I no longer cared for and I was beginning to see the world for what it was (at least from a 20 year old perspective) and had no idea how I was going to get my life started. At the edge of adulthood, I experienced my own moment of clarity about the "phony" world and I struggled to "apply myself" wihtin it's constraints. I realize it is a bit cliche and a bit melodramatic to say one identifies with Holden, but I really did at the
  15. 1963 Martin D-21 (look at that gorgeous braz RW!) Only $4,995.00 at Dave's Guitar Shop
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