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Everything posted by anthony

  1. The original article is interesting. I like the end:
  2. Pomona presale going on right now.
  3. anthony

    Dates in June

    Just bought Pomona tickets. I am very excited. This will be my first Wilco show (if you can believe it).
  4. Just went to my local Borders at lunch for the 50% off CD/DVD sale. While not everything was 50% off, a lot the secondary (so to speak) inventory was. I picked up Of Montreal's "Coquelicot" 12.99 50% off. 70 minutes (plus CD packaging) for 7 bucks is not bad. (I also picked up Sonic Youth's "Daydream Nation" which was not on sale; but I had a 30% coupon: 11.99 30% off pretty good for a classic record).
  5. I forgot how much I loved this album. Pretty much the soundtrack to the debauchery that was my 20s.
  6. Eveytime I pick up the guitar, I automatically play the little travis-picked progression of Dylan's "Girl From North Country" (Dylan is capo'd, but it works in any key). Previously, my "warm-up riff" used to be Neil Young's "Sugar Mountain" for the longest time.
  7. Hmmm ... I used to be here: http://wilcoworld.net/vote/index.php Linky not worky.
  8. M Ward - Live In Session On KCRW 2009 (thanks owl/bear)
  9. I just caught Alanis Morrissette on a Soundstage re-run the other day. Gotta admit. Guitly pleasure.
  10. I appreciate all the tongue-in-cheek responses to this thread, but I have to admit: I don't understand all these conspiracy theorists. We have a serious problem in the world trying to get muslims to stop killing other people. Why micro-analyze tenuous pop-culture references that a dude in Kabul has never seen. It won't stop him from strapping on a suicide vest and running into a crowd.
  11. Agreed. I my very humble opinion, sub-1K guitars tend to no be worth it in the long run. You tend to "out-grow" them. Since (most) guitars you have for a long time, there is no harm in saving up a little longer for the real deal. I also do not think above 3k guitars are worth it, either (law of diminishing returns governs). Best bang-fo-buck is a Martin 18 series, IMHO. Save up for a 000-18 and you'll be happy.
  12. Can I admit to a some-what embarrassing one? I had always heard (verbally) the phrase "take it for granted" as "take it for granite" (like the rock type). I used the rock version for years until I read in used in print. No one ever called it on me because the pronunciation - and meaning - were so close. Weird huh? Well ... embarrassing, at least.
  13. Caught Ghost World on HDNet the other day. What a great movie. Fits perfect with my pseudo-hipster, jaded GenX, post-modern, indie-rock sensibilities. Everything from the love of the bizarre (a "raptor" T-shirt) to the intense connection with artistic genius (the blues record). Sweet funny and poignant all at once - and told from a point of view I can relate to.
  14. How about: "gonna" instead of "going to"
  15. Heard Lisa Hannigan on NPR today. Reminded me that her bridge of " always crushes me. Also, her verse on "Volcano" is just devastating.
  16. You are certainly entitled to your 1st amendment right to free speech and I do not think anyone on this board is going to ostracize you for any given opinion (unless it involves Jay Bennet), but your stance on this issue is wholly un-defensible from a logical point of view. I have never understood the
  17. Pretty good, so far. Dig his sense of humor.
  18. Funny, the first called me 196 "conservative" - which i did not expect. The second gave me this: "You are a center-right social libertarian. Right: 1.36, Libertarian: 4.01" Hmmmmm.....
  19. anthony

    Dates in June

    When someone mentioned "stateline" in another thread, I thought they meant the stateline from LA to Vegas at the cheesy casinos in Primm, NV (tallest roller coaster, 99 cent steak and eggs, et. al.). Bummer. That would have been cool. From wiki:
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