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Everything posted by anthony

  1. I kinda feel the same. Really disliked it at first but it has grown on me. Still unsure about the Autotune voice at the end ...
  2. My two cents: Wide Awake is a fantastic record. One of the best LPs since Y2K. Cassadega is good. Not great, but good. A few good tunes. Everything else falls short of the Mendoza Line for me.
  3. For those interested, a quick google search turned up some results in the blog - o - sphere
  4. I feel exactly the same. If you run across it, can you let me know? Thanks.
  5. I cannot stop listening to this record. Can a collection of B-Sides/Rarities be Album-of-the-Year? If so, it gets my vote. Stand out tracks for me: Love Vigilantes (just sublime) Belated Promise Ring No Moon Dearest Forsaken Trapeze Swinger Plus, add the Shepard's Dog Alternate tracks that Sam released earlier this year, and you got a great collection.
  6. Just signed up. Cant wait to play ITMWLY on it.
  7. I have an M-Audio MobilePre USB interface that works pretty well for home recording. You can plug in, as well as, us mics. Combine that with audacity software and you can do a lot.
  8. Yep. This is how I do it.
  9. Anyone see this? Great American Music: Passing the Torch A surpirisingly diverse list.
  10. I don't know about you, but I find it a little tough to finger. Feels a bit awkward. As a internal training device, I have been fingering a D7 chord (which I can do easily), then sliding the 1st fret finger over to complete the ensemble.
  11. Yeah, JT loves this chord. It shows it in Shes a Jar, Sky Blue Sky, Hate It Here and somewhere else, but escapes my memory.
  12. 1. AGiB 2. YHF 3. BT 4. ST 5. SBS 6. W(ta) 7. AM Tough call and placing W(ta) & SBS. Neck and neck. W(ta) could move up with a few more spins. Everything else is easy.
  13. Wow. This one caught me off guard. I really like movies that are not predictable and do not have recycled stories. This one has neither. Recommended.
  14. I am a big TR fan and have had this on my To Read list for a while. I have read all of TR's books, save this one and Cowgirls.
  15. I heard "Bull Black Nova" on XM/Sirus station The Loft. A pretty bold move to play that song on the radio. Despite being a highlight, it is not the most radio-friendly song. (BTW, continuing the DJs boldness, a couple of songs later played Dylan's "Its Alright Ma, Im Only Bleeding". Another un-radio friendly tune).
  16. The one for Walken? I thought it is a Barney Kessel
  17. I, too, think of JT with the J-45. THE guitar I associate with him. That scene in IATBYH where they sit around in a circle and play "Poor Places" comes to mind.
  18. The next time I can scrap up some GAS cash (which seems a long way off ... Grrr)I am gonna order me a Martin D-17 (a defunct seires, but custom shop will make ya one, so I hear).
  19. Don't we have Beatle Overload already? That horse has been kicked to oblivion, it seems to me.
  20. Seems like I hear it daily on "The Specturm" (forget which number; forty something). I heard Wilco (The Song) on Srius XM U, once (great station, BTW).
  21. My (admittedly poor BB) picture of this moment:
  22. Yeah, I am curious, as well. Kinda want an audio souvenir of the night.
  23. This is correct. I was watching JTs fingers on Saturday and this is definitely correct.
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