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Everything posted by WaronWar

  1. I was hoping to go to this show, but could not because of an Easter vacation. Great setlist, but someone should have requested "James Alley Blues"
  2. Rock and Roll is simple, which is one of the great things about it because anyone can do it. Seriously, Heroin (one of the greatest rock songs ever) is two chords. Misunderstood is two chords throughout the entire song. Basically, if band such as Wire went into the studio (they did not even know how to tune their guitars), and create a fantastic debut album "Pink Flag." I believe anyone can play rock and roll. I guess I just don't like it when rock stars brag about how much of a genius they are when anyone can do it.
  3. I have a love/hate feelings towards Bennett because one he is totally full of himself. I mean the three chords he put to California Stars are great, but fuck man, it's just three chords, anyone can do it. But I do love the work he did with Wilco especially the more melodic tracks that did not make it onto YHF. However, I believe his solo records are not good. Nevertheless, I hope he gets better because it seems like Tweedy has dealt with his demons while Bennett lives them.
  4. There is something I believe called Dpm or something like that. It is weirder than the Wilco book CD and was consider important as to what became "A Ghost Is Born." But it has not circulated, I have just read about it.
  5. Fricke ain't God, but he's the only good thing left at Rolling Stone, which keeps digging lower and lower lower and lower and lower with every issue.
  6. I know of Tonic as being the place to hear avant-garde music in NYC. But does anyone else know in Chicago, or LA, or other places in NY, where experimental music can be heard?
  7. Loose fur and Born Again are fantastic. I am bigger fan of the debut, but also love their sophomore release. Also, if you can obtain the Dec 7, 2002 I would because it is great too especially Chelsea Walls Theme.
  8. This list proves how nostalgic and out of place RS is nowadays. Instead going out, looking for, and writing about good bands, they only write about what is popular/mainstream nowadays (which is mostly shit) or what was. Please RS bring back Lester Bangs from the dead or at least Greil Marcus.
  9. Revolver is far more experimental and SBS is not even close.
  10. Let's take your questions one by one. The first pargraph will be question 1 and so on. 1. The distance between Rome and Milan is 389 miles. It really is according italiantourism.com. 2. I will put all three parts of your question into one answer because they are questioning the integrity of Greg Kot's research. To tell you the truth, I am sure none of us (including you) can know. The only way is to look at his notes. But out of my own judgement, I give Greg Kot the benefit of the doubt because he is a veteran journalist. He has been working for Tribune since 1990 and has not only
  11. I have answered every single one of your questions that you have asked. If you do not understand, that's your fault. Basically, I am standing up for Greg Kot because he's a great writer. I read the Tribune and love his writing that he does in within in. Moreover, his writing in Learning How To Die is good. It is not as fantastic as his newspaper writing, but I think he did a great job in collecting interviews and tons of information and forming it all into one book. You might say it's bias (on the breakup of Uncle Tupelo), but I rather believe a guy who I know put tons of hours into his wor
  12. Well here's the list of Wilco's list of albums (no Mermaid Avenue) A.M.- Swansong of Anodyne Being There- Rock and Roll (its all over the place with styles) and Jeff was pissed off of being labeled another alt-country guy. Summerteeth-Pop YHF- Lots of sonics AGIB- Art Rock SBS- Soul and 70's mainstream feel. If Uncle Tupelo did not break up, none of this would have happened. Got to go.
  13. The breakup of Uncle Tupelo has to do with the music they make because without a breakup they would still be making music. So one has to explain why the broke up, which we obviously disagree on. If a history of a band is not put into a book, then readers would never know what caused Wilco to make their music. If Kot did not explained about the history of Uncle Tupelo, readers would have never known how Tweedy started to become what he is musically today. For example, via Uncle Tupelo, Kot explains Tweedy started to craft his own voice, which is shown through his stronger confidence in Jeff's
  14. There is no music from Wilco without Uncle Tupelo.
  15. I meant "The book is not about Wilco" as its not actually about the band itself, but the music they create.
  16. If Jay didn't mentioned till I believe the september/october 2005 interview that Tweedy's desire to have his girlfriend was the result of the breakup. What was his excuse before? I mean I have a hard time believing a guy that tells the "truth" behind everything after 11 years have passed. Plus, I would believe what occured in the Wilco book as more of the truth because Kot is a journalist. He loves Wilco, but he's a journalist first. He loves journalism and he did well over 50 interviews finding out the facts from other people besides Jeff. And would not say that the book is Wilco friendly
  17. The book is not really about Wilco. Its not about Jeff or anyone involved with the band's personal life. It is about the music Wilco makes and how their personal lives interact to the music they make. That's why I like the book so much because Kot could have wrote a typical horrible rock and roll biography: sex and drugs. But instead, he focus on what Wilco is all about: the music.
  18. Do your research dumbass. Here's a quote for you done by Glorious Noise with Greg Kot and I'll bold what needs to be bolded so you learn how to pick out information. http://www.gloriousnoise.com/features/2004..._book-06-15.php GLONO: I noticed the back of the book says it's written with the "cooperation of Wilco band members..." It doesn't say "authorized biography" or "unauthorized biography." Can you explain what that means? Did [Wilco manager] Tony Margherita give his stamp of approval on this? Kot: You know, my first call was to Jeff when I thought I've got a book here. I was g
  19. forget that one. He's really great.
  20. There have been some lists going around here. So I figured why not a best producers list: Brian Eno George Martin Jim O'Rourke (I know he ruins records) Jack Nitzsche (I think he was on an episode of COPS) Phil Spector Jon Brion Give it go.
  21. Oh yeah, I forgot to comment on this: In any art, as Mark Twain has mentioned (can't quote him directly) nothing is sacred because the Greeks took all the ideas.
  22. Your statment is rather orgainze and thoughtful, but you are assuming a lot about Tweedy's personal life that we (VC'ers) have no idea about. As a guess, I think he is feeling better because he is healthy now rather than he feels that he knows how to end a song. But honestly I can't say because I am not inside his brain, I am in my own. Also, your statement of I don't think he ended some songs with white noise just because he did not know how to end a song. I think the sonics of YHF comment on the rather very dark emotional lyrics. Moreover, the codas of AGIB also have a placement to; f
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