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Everything posted by WaronWar

  1. Yeah, I saw it at Barnes and Noble, and thought it was a good read, and was something a little different from the norm of articles.
  2. do you mean high school? because I know Kris Meyers went to Elmhurst College and Kotche went to University of Kentucky. I saw them both at Elmhurst College's percussion ensemble spring performance, and I think they both had the guy in charge of the program as a teacher, if my memory serves me right. But seriously, what's the hatred against The Shua? He has some good points most of the time.
  3. Great take on the song.
  4. Yeah, I saw the show with their drummer Kris Meyers playing at his old college Elmhurst college. And as you mentioned, Glenn was there, and performed an amazing "Monkey Chant." But besies that, I do not know anything about Umphrey's McGee expect I heard their name mentioned once by someone and I asked what genere were they, and he said Jam band. So that's all I know.
  5. I think it's going to be free because The Decemberists are playing a free show with the Grant Park Symphony Orchestra in June. So why not Wilco having a free concert?
  6. You should get "You've Been Living All Over Me." It's fantastic.
  7. Who gives fuck? They are supposed to be playing SBS stuff and their more latest stuff. Though I do love that era, but I always look towards the future. But basically, who cares they did not play anything from that era because they did a duet with Bill Fay. The man is so awesome, and I never would have thought for this to happen.
  8. Anything Hixter said is all very excellent. But I would also include his Andrew Hill record "New Monastery."
  9. I think it's on at 8 p.m. in Chicago tomorrow and 11 a.m. on Saturday. I see that you are from Elmhurst so you should be good. If you miss it, they should post the show at the latest by Monday.
  10. Do you know about the price difference between the Crunes and Hot Cake. I also live in Chicago land area and have not really a found place that carries these pedals. I really want to find a store because when it comes to pedals I am not big on buying something just over the internet.
  11. Where's a good place to get a Crunes?
  12. I thought Tower Records went out of business. I know they did here in the U.S. and was very sad that they did because they always had a great selection of CDs.
  13. some great stuff you have there.
  14. wouldn't care as long as I could get good tickets to their shows.
  15. Great point. The people who hate SBS are the ones that yearn for past Wilco a la Pitchfork wanting YHF.
  16. Well, my favorite setup is my electric one since my others are just each a guitar and no amp(classical and acoustic). But for my electric, I use a bigger amp I inherited from my Uncle (or a smaller one when I play at friend's houses). And I use a Boss RXCL-20 Loop pedal, and a fuzz factory. That's the only effects I have now, but I have a lot more I want like Holy Grail Reverb, Digital Tech-Whammy bar, 1969 fulltone fuzz, and too many more. I also have a floyd rose jackson guitar, but my dream one is fender jazzmaster, but they are very expensive.
  17. Yeah, but can Jay play any jazz and read notation.
  18. I wore my shirt today in high school and only one person said anything about it, and I had no idea who they were. But one of my friends did shake his head at me because he knows how big of a fan I am.
  19. I got my first classical CD a couple of months ago Steve Reich's "Music For 18 Musicans," and I am throughly enjoying it to say the least.
  20. Very solid performance and Nels was alright tonight as a pervious poster just mentioned. I think it has something to do with this. It was posted on his website today and he sounds pretty sad since a music partner and friend of his died today or a couple of days ago. I never heard of the guy before, but I think I will now. But anyways, here it is: http://nelscline.com/news.html FROM NELS (MAY 15, 2007): It is with great sadness and deep shock that I sit here in my hotel room in New York pondering the senseless murder of one of my favorite artists of all time, Rod Poole. I formed a mi
  21. I got the album/DVD today and I saw the photo of Wilco sitting with their instruments in the loft within the liner notes. I did a double take because it quickly reminded me of The Band's photo within the liner notes of their self title album. Anyone else feel the same?
  22. Truly a great read, and Kot is very much a big fan, and I could not agree more with his view on "One By One."
  23. Mike Jorgensen actually talks.
  24. I enjoyed their show more when it was on WXRT here in Chicago and on Tuesdays from 10 till midnight. It was more free form, funny, and crazy. I still enjoy it on Public Radio, but not as much, and I don't listen to it as much. But Greg is usually the voice that is a lot more modest while Jim will spit and interject into the microphone. However, I do enjoy both of them and have talked to both of them, but I'll choose Kot because I favor his wide tastes more.
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