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Everything posted by WaronWar

  1. Jim O'Rourke "Happy Days" it's awesome.
  2. I was just listening to some of the stuff and its excellent.
  3. Besides John McLaughlin and B.B. King, I don't find the festivial interesting at all especially not worth the expensive tickets. Who wants to hear John Mayer and Eric Clapton is lazy. I don't dislike or like Buddy Guy. However, I do love his playing on Junior Wells's amazing classic album Hoodoo Man Blues.
  4. I don't but I am starting to collect a lot of his projects he's been in and his own work. Its fantastic. If you want any of those, I would be more than happy to send them via internet. But if you youtube "Nels Cline," you can watch Nels and Glenn show. Its about eight minutes long and it is awesome. By the way, where are you from in Chicago? I go to high school within the area.
  5. I am not going to include Tweedy because I'm going to make it harder on myself, but for the record I would include Tweedy. So here it is: Bob Dylan (obviously) Randy Newman Lou Reed (VU is amazing and solo stuff is great, though I think Coney Island Baby is highly overrated lyrically, but musically it rocks). There are others that are growing on me, but I still have to collect more of their albums before I can make a full judgement.
  6. I'm listening to it tomorrow (rebroadcast in Chicago) and I'm pretty excitied because its all on Elephant six and I just got Aeroplane Over The Sea and I love it.
  7. WaronWar

    Another Stream

    They need to play Chicago before I go to College.
  8. Yes, new album with On Fillmore and his composition sounds exciting too.
  9. It's way too early. It's not even the half way point.
  10. You are correct pervious poster behind me because I love it on Being There when I hear the mayhem of Misunderstood and then Far Far Away comes on swaying away.
  11. I think it said 18+ songs.
  12. So I'm guessing if it does have to do with the other material they recorded that is not on the album, it would be similar to what Radiohead did with Kid A and Amensiac. Might I add another Radiohead comparison, but I'm only kidding.
  13. I am pretty excited about the books on Wire's "Pink Flag" and Van Dyke Parks's "Song Cycle". The latter is quickly becoming a favorite album of mine and of course the former is an amazing that is also a personal favorite.
  14. I think O'Rourke was solving a problem existing in our society today: people going losing their hearing at an early age. He realize this problem and decided to do something about to try and save our ears and I myself would like to thanks O'Rourke for saving my hearing.
  15. Well so do I especially a 59, but like you said new ones are expensive say about 5,000. But they are pretty awesome.
  16. It's interesting you say that and I do agree with you because I listened to a radio interview with him once. I was sick and bored and I found New York's public radio and they had an interview with him from 2002. They play a lot of his music on the 2 hour segment and music that he adores (which is rather interesting to listen to) and he mentions that he loves movies more than music because movies always have a why behind it. You know why this camera angle, or why did the director choose to do what he did and that's his reason for loving movies more because it has meaning. He thinks music does h
  17. yes, they both do. I really hope they release the DVD sometime because I went to one of those shows and it was awesome.
  18. I'll second that because as Learning How To Die points out and other articles that I have read from that era show that basically he allowed Bennett to have hand at making the music more poppy in order to lighten the darkness of the lyrics.
  19. Get his stuff with Gastr Del Sol especially Camoflouer (spelled wrong but I don't care it's late) and Upgrade and Afterlife. Both are excellent and I think he was on one more prior to both albums, but my memory does not recollect.
  20. sounds great and I am looking forward to hearing it.
  21. How many songs would say are actually new from the record? I mean I think the arrangments are new with Cline and Sansone addition to the band, but does anyone know how long some of the Sky Blue Sky songs have been around? I have heard a rumor that most of them are not fairly new, so basically I am wondering if anyone can cofirm or deny it.
  22. Yeah sorry about that. I was up late and sort of out of it.
  23. So I am up late tonight and bored so I decided to read music related articles via the internet and I came across this one with Jay Bennett (in May 2002) discussing leaving Wilco and his work on YHF. It's long and it is interesting to see what he says is his involvment on what the songwriting and playing for YHF. I am unsure if this has been posted before, but enjoy. Interview with Jay Bennett By Derek Phillips May 2002 Much, maybe too much, has been written about the saga behind the recording of Wilco's Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. In the many months since guitarist/multi-instrumentalist/song
  24. Bad Timing is one of my favorite albums of all time. I also love Eureka, Halfway, and Insignificance. I just got Terminal Pharmacy and have not given it a full listen. And I just ordered "Happy Days," so basically I am starting to venture into his weirder stuff now expect for "Happy Days" because similar to Bad Timing its his take on Americana.
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