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Everything posted by WaronWar

  1. I haven't heard anything. I think Sue (Jeff's wife) usually posts something on here about when it is going to happen. So I am guessing that's your best bet. I went last year on the second night, and I had a great time. So hopefully it will happen again this year.
  2. Once again did not buy as much as I wanted this year: but one thing I was happy about was getting Paul Bley's "The Turning Point" on CD for about $15, which wasn't bad since it's out of print. It has Bley, Paul Motian, Gary Peacock, and John Gilmore. They play mostly Carla Bley's tunes.
  3. Thanks for sharing this! Hopefully, I will be able to listen. Phil
  4. Yeah, I found at Muzzle of Bees blog that Califone was opening for Wilco at the Madison show, which I am going to it. This is going to be an awesome night, two of my favorite bands the same night!
  5. Thanks for sharing! I really enjoyed the interview.
  6. Yeah (for only $12.50 plus shipping), here's the link: http://www.scdistribution.com/cat/scd_catalognew.php?action=set_site_id&site_id=5 I am glad that more artists and labels are releasing on albums on vinyl again because I honestly think the quality is so much better after buying CDs for most of my life (which hasn't been too long yet). And on a side note, I always meant to pick up "sleeps with fishes" the last couple of years, yet I never have. And thanks choo-choo-charlie for the avatar comment!
  7. Yeah, I heard about this. Very very sad news. There's a great interview/article about how the band is doing by Jim DeRogatis in the Chicago Sun Times. Here's the link: http://blogs.suntimes.com/derogatis/2009/11/scotland_yard_gospel_choir_on.html#more I think I will buy the album soon (hopefully) since I have heard good things about this band for the last couple of years. It's really scary to think that this could happen to anyone at any single time while driving.
  8. I just checked the liner notes for "Camoufleur" and it says Darin Gray played on one track (2) on the album. Sadly, I am not sure if he played on any other album of Gastr because I don't own them, yet. And I think Gray is based in the St. Louis area. Can't wait to get this album though, and of course on vinyl!
  9. Califone. It might be possible since they have toured in the past (I believe in 2002), and have played shows together before. Plus, they both have fantastic awesome new albums!
  10. So I just tried to get Wilco tickets at 9:58 for the Madison show, and they told me it was sold out at 10 am, which seems a bit weird
  11. yeah, I haven't noticed anything either, and can't remember if I was asked for a password last time for the St. Paul show.
  12. I really fucked up by not coming down to see the shows this weekend.
  13. Speaking of Wilco and WXRT, does anyone have the show when Tweedy was on Eclectic Company playing songs he liked with Jon Langford? I listened to it when it was on about year and half ago, and I have always wanted to listen to it again since it was great stuff.
  14. Yeah, thanks for the heads up. I will keep an eye out for this one.
  15. The info should be in the CD sleeve. In this album, it is just really tiny print.
  16. First Califone, now Jim O'Rourke. Can't wait to listen to both of these!
  17. I'm way to excited about all this!!!!!! On a side note, I am going to see Red Red Meat this Sunday at West Fest in Chicago. They are on at 8:45 pm.
  18. WaronWar

    Watt & Nels

    I just saw an interview with Nels. He said they were going to mix the new Singers record in early Sept. and then release it with a live show recording too! The live show is going to be recorded in early September in LA or Southern CA. I also heard that him and Jon Brion are planning on releasing some of the duo shows they have played together at Largo, which would be awesome since I love both of them!
  19. WaronWar

    Watt & Nels

    Does anyone know when the new Watt & Nels album comes out a.k.a The Black Gang (though there also is a drummer in the group, but I forgot his name)?
  20. I've only heard two songs from it "While You Wait for the Others" and "Two Weeks" and I find it pretty stellar. I can't wait to see them in Milwaukee on June 6th! I am thinking I am going to buy the vinyl at the show.
  21. Yeah, Downbeat gave some copies of the issue to my school since we were in it. It's pretty cool interview. You should also checkout the Ken Vandermark interview they do with him. I found it to be pretty inspiring! Phil
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