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Everything posted by Pocahontas

  1. Have the happiest of birthdays!!!
  2. Guinevere-CSN Pocahontas-Neil Young Jennifer Jupiter-Donovan
  3. Have a Wonderful Birthday Lou!!
  4. Yeah. A LOT will happen. There's hardly a day goes by anymore when I don't shake my head in disbelief. Let's just hope someone puts a muzzle on Wright - he's a time bomb for Barack.
  5. You should still come we would love to meet you. I personally love outside venues best regardless of the sun.
  6. Just got off the phone with Poon, he called just in time for us to hear Mt. Bed, and of course Scott was not home he will be so mad he missed it. Thanks Neil.
  7. Funny that this thread was started, I just came back from Occupational Health. Yesterday I bent over and felt a pop in my lower back, then later was having muscle spasms through out my back and legs, the pain got worse as the night progressed, so I found my way to the ER, there they gave me two shots, one was narcotic called Nubain, and the other was toradol, not fun stuff, made my body relaxed but my brain was reeling. Well the Nurse Practioner at the Health Wellness has put me off work until my next appt. which is next monday, tomorrow I go to Physical Therapy.
  8. And they're back! Lonely 1
  9. We gotta have an acuff for the frog.
  10. You're gonna make me spill my beer! How appropriate at 9 in the morning!
  11. Well, there it is. ITMWLY. The string continues.
  12. "I hate it when that happens!"
  13. Here we go! Is everybody dancing? I hope so!
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