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Everything posted by IRememberDBoon

  1. I want bar shows and only bar shows where you can hear beer bottles crash during the holes where the music is supposed to be.
  2. Ive seen all the 930 club shows and saw them at Tipitinas last time and I'll take those over large venues anyday.
  3. :-) have you thought of listening to any Phish at all?
  4. Funny. I absolutely love One Wing. From start to finish. I think its one of their best.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/user/crackerfarm#p/u/17/5AY8Iekd1Hc
  6. why wont he facilitate a Uncle Tupelo reunion. There is no reason in the world that he and Jay Farrrar should both die without
  7. Tugboat Shelia is into memorabilia Who says three is a crowd?
  8. I was at my apartment in Georgetown that day and walked to The Pentagon that night. Ive seen some shit i never wanted to see. Freaked me out.
  9. DAMN I just came in here to post that!
  10. he gets a bit of a bad rep on here but i think he's turned more people on to the band than anyone. the first show i took my girl to opened with "Hell Is Chrome" and she turned to me and asked me "who is pink strap??" from then on we always call nels "pink strap". i dont think anyone else could do what he does
  11. my favorite song on the album as of today
  12. mo fos better clear out when he goes "and i know that i wont be.............." IRDB will be cutting a rug
  13. good point. i love the fact that there is just too much to put your mind around immediately
  15. I just walked in the door from a night out and pushed play on jane Smileys bfiend and listened to if 3 times in a row. I just love that da da da da da da da da da. and the lyrics are sublime.
  16. Black Moon makes me feel like Im using drugs again That song is FUCKING GREAT!
  17. why are you wilco people so fucking mean on the internet??
  18. away from the TREES that are NEAR the house einstein
  19. SHe moved it away from the house to avoid Hurricane Irene
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