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Everything posted by welch79

  1. yup. creative. enjoyed it. apparently, chester will back you on this. i've said it before...kotche's drumming, when i witnessed his live solo set, much less appreciating his work with wilco and tweedy solo, it made me look at a drum kit in a different, more appreciative light. i know this will not make sense, especially to those who play drums, but it made me look at the kit as more of an instrument (much like a guitar is for me) rather than just percussion. all that to say: i'm a fan.
  2. does anybody have the theologians track from the ktv sessions most recently made available for shopping at indie joints? i'd like to have it... also: anybody have the video shot for the ktv sessions? (this part, sadly, is just a joke...unless...)
  3. so... anybody have an audio rip of this lil gem of a dvd (a la iattbyh dvd audio rip)? lemme know. i'd love it.
  4. kate not in prison in el futuro? exonerated. jack's dad alive? nah. he's blitzed on oxycodone. mikhail indestructible? probably a lot like locke. walt? nah. like kate's horse and jack's dad. desmond was acting weird in the hatch. you all notice that jack's ex looked preggers? don't know if this is impt., however, the actress herself may just be. i was wondering myself to whom kate was referring at the runway. great season ender. now don't we have to wait until like feb '08???
  5. i have generally enjoyed carrey's work...except for the mask. granted, i grew through high school watching dumb and dumber/ace ventura and of course in living color. there have been some crappers, though: the mask and 23 come to mind, though i'm certain there's more. he has a pretty decent body of work, in my book. of substance: man on the moon, cable guy, of course spotless mind and the truman show. i'm a fan. bruce almighty was good enough. nothing serious, good-hearted message. evan almighty looks like a kids movie. and as far as my apparent "ambivalence" rwrkb, all i wanted to
  6. yeah it seemed like a small casket. i'm a fan of the direction taken during this finale. more tomorrow...late...must sleep.
  7. is that anything like an ambiturner?
  8. i'm with ya there. this one looks lame. but go see it if you want.
  9. i really like this about this album.
  10. i'm personally leaning toward "walken." pretty clever. by the by, was it ever mentioned why the spelling is indeed "walken?"
  11. let me just say that i wish i was already discussing the lost finale right now. (and i also just wanted to dredge this thread up from page 2 for us losties.) enjoy tomorrow night's show!
  12. just watched this show. it was okay. my question is this: how many shows like this can we have? I'm pretty weary of this format from getting american idol shoved down my throat. oh well...if you enjoy it, watch it. yeah, i was questioning their choice of judges as well, but then again, who would sign on to s'thing like this?
  13. pretty cool. thanks for the heads up. just d/led.
  14. AM A BT A ST B+ YHF A+ AGIB A- SBS A agib is my favorite album despite the grade. i guess i was grading on my personal opinion of consistency.
  15. which brings us back round to rose and her husband. i'm thinking they will probably die b/c we went awhile before seeing them then all of the sudden last week they were there...almost to say hey remember these guys? they're gone. also, we never heard anything more about the couple buried alive. i half expected them to dig out or something. they got the same sort of treatment as (tnt blown up science teacher bandana round the neck wearer spider collector dude).
  16. i don't know why these lyrics are sticking with us. i mean, they're all simple and straightforward and very unlike their earlier stuff. yeah that jeff tweedy and co. are going downhill. this album doesn't even belong in the same breath as yhf.
  17. it was his time to go.
  18. i'm there. at first i thought this was a joke but there's too much footage. right? either way, i'm there.
  19. ceiling fan is on chopping up my dreams
  20. 'twas worthless...you were in a better spot regardless of what mood ryan adams was in. basically the only two answers we got was that dharma was on the island beginning in the late 70s/early 80s and that desmond not entering the code was the "definitive" reason why oceanic 815 crashed. has anybody else noticed how the importance (and frequency of appearance) of the numbers has seemed to diminish?
  21. maybe he didn't see that it was his bro.
  22. two thoughts taken from the screencaps that a-man posted... 1) that second woman in the looking glass (the brunette one hanging back) looks like that woman that james/sawyer took for a ride and later helped kate. 2) the man who robbed nadia looks like charlie's brother. maybe this explains why the weird reaction then successive flee. thoughts?
  23. i would agree that it enhanced my appreciation, but not greatly, since i already appreciated it.
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