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Everything posted by welch79

  1. i like sky blue sky as a song. i do not like sky blue sky as an album title however. i liked it better when the song was being called "a gold-toothed lullaby for rafters and beams" or whatever the official title was. how cool would that be as an album title? you know, cause it's kinda mellow...
  2. here 'tis, in no particular order: counting crows: august and everything after coldplay: parachutes radiohead: ok comp wilco: agib jayhawks: rainy day music
  3. aeglos, i'll second your augie march. i don't give them enough spinnage... what about this one: Now I
  4. do i detect some sarcasm? or a lot?
  5. this is all really exciting stuff coming to the surface here. yet i'm reminded that the album (sbs) still has yet to come out officially...
  6. seems like my tastes as well...although i'll trade your earl for my scrubs. i actually almost mentioned boston common. that was a great show.
  7. hey scrubs can be thought provoking...plus it's pretty funny but it's not everybody's cup o' tea. it fits with my humor, so i like it. i liked two guys and a girl, but it was candy. you're right about lost being thought-provoking...i'm just not as into it. there's no "magic" with it. i just watch it b/c i've followed it from inception.
  8. i can't tell if you are employing sarcasm...i'll go with no. no, i've never noticed it before the last couple of episodes i watched last night. was it mentioned before? i mean, having a sub to travel b/w the island and the main land is fine. something just struck me about it as being forced (?). but it was cool that jack was actually blocked from returning by locke's actions. i do like the fact that locke is "locked" into being on the island. i think some earlier discussion had him pinned as being static and boring now, but i think i'm actually more interested in his character, but f
  9. i have been waiting to read and post to this thread until i caught up on all the post break episodes...just got caught up last night with the exploding...submarine? come on. submarine? i totally agree with you here. i can't really agree with you here. the only reason i'm still watching is because i'm one of those people who are loyal to a fault. maybe it will peak my interest again. until then, this stuff is just getting damn near ridiculous.
  10. how can music, in and of itself, be snooty? just wondering what you think... poortranslator, do chime in.
  11. also: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 once in germany someone said nein
  12. anybody tried to d/l the complimentary video yet? i've received the email, but haven't tried yet.
  13. that's what i'm saying! where do these rumors start!!!
  14. my final four was/is: uf, ucla, unc, a&m we'll see how tonight goes...
  15. hah! that's something i like to pretend i don't care about, but i totally feel ya!
  16. my vote goes to the lyrics to spiders... ahh, but they're so good.
  17. i'm not gonna worry with this til i get my own disc in may...the "low bit-rate" version now spinning in my player will do just fine for the time being. i do want to know, however, from those of you "piglets" out there in sty-land how this newly leaked version sounds stacked up to the one that was out in early march (the one i have). let a bro know.
  18. yup. i thought they had it in the bag. go vols.
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