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Everything posted by welch79

  1. i enjoyed it...sounded alt-countryish... looking forward to hearing the album iteration.
  2. way too much audience, not enough music. don't get me wrong: i enjoyed the show when jeff was playing, but there were times that i wanted to leave because of how everybody was behaving. i hope he strikes a balance by knoxville.
  3. yeah...it was a great show when people weren't yelling stuff out, which was pretty much whenever tweedy wasn't playing (sometimes even then). i still have that guy's voice in my head: "sorry." it sounded like something off of a stupid sitcom or something. the crowd was terrible, spiders and lammy cat were amazing. i hope there was taper b/c i'd really like to have that version of spiders (if i could edit out that guy screaming "radio king" in the middle). i hope the knoxville show is better as far as audience goes...
  4. Strange...Radiohead was the band I was really into right before I found Wilco a couple of years ago. Almost exact same for me and YHF. You could be me.
  5. You could be me...minus the digging The Downward Spiral part. A few months back, I was digging The Fragile though. I didn't like With Teeth. I don't know, maybe I didn't give it enough spin-age, then again, maybe I'm no longer 14 (jokes & jokes & jokes...) But it just didn't seem on the same level as PHM, TDS or TF (or, I guess Broken, for that matter).
  6. This thread was started by what may be the best post I've ever read. Props, NN.
  7. Yeah, I remember Cracker. Pretty good band. Was never a huge follower, but I had some of their songs and they popped up on random play back in that day of free downloaded music. I was first exposed to them on the "Encomium" Led Zep tribute disc put out in the mid 90s. Then they opened for DMB (remember them?) when they played Knoxville. Favorite songs (limited knowledge): Pictures of Matchstick Men (couldn't get this song out of my head when I heard it live) and Eurotrash girl.
  8. The only Wilco I've ever heard on the radio is HMD played on 105.3 in Knoxville. We don't really have any great radio stations round here; the one I mentioned above is the most forward thinking, simply b/c it is (supposedly) locally owned. To be honest with you all, I just don't listen to radio anymore. It's either CDs or iPod over the FM transmitter. Also, I was having this discussion the other day with my wife: MTV should not be called Music TV. They never play videos anymore! Neither, really does VH1. I know there are some digital/satellite options, but my point here is if your sta
  9. "The bonus material will be posted shortly." But, I want it now!
  10. Glenn's pretty much incredible. Laminated Cat on the DVD is awesome.
  11. I seriously urge you to give AM more spins. Right now, it's my favorite Wilco release. I can't get enough of it. This is definitely not how I felt about it originally.
  12. Physical Graffiti is pretty damn great.
  13. why then do we hurt one another
  14. Thanks for uplaoding the show... I couldn't get this to stream correctly last Thursday night, so I'm looking forward to hearing it. Sounds like it was a great show. I'm jealous of all who were there.
  15. God bless Wilco and their generosity. What other bands do this to the same extent that Wilco does? Anybody know of any?
  16. IMO, Wilco material is not viable in today's market. Apparently, crap is viable and that is OK...as long as Wilco are around so that we don't have to listen to crap.
  17. I agree. I've been using these two apps almost exclusively for a year now and am more than happy with their performance versus Microsoft's apps. The only downside is there are a few web-based apps that still only want MSIE, which blows. Oh well...Maybe one day they will see the light like us.
  18. That was SEC football at its finest. Also, Vandy came away with a W against GA. It's gonna get interesting down here.
  19. I see your sister She lookin' fine She's been hanging On my sour grape vine -Hey Chicken
  20. I'd be for stealing that camera! Great pictures, man!
  21. Saw/heard it live a couple night ago in Huntsville (great show), but I didn't know what to think of it. Thanks for uploading this. The more I listen, the more I like. Can't wait to hear the studio version.
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