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Everything posted by Szabo

  1. If the Beatles would have kept the same sound that they had during HELP!, they would never have been what they had become. Not everyone liked Revolver or Sgt Peppers or anything that was different than what they had done previously. BANDS CHANGE AND GROW. Get over it. I agree that there is something lacking on this album compared to previous albums, and I think it's the production, not the songs/writing style.
  2. Welcome, i wish i had my pre-order package :-(
  3. Amoeba is awesome. Its a GIGANTIC record store on Haight (i think). Its almost overwhelming how much music they have there.
  4. I know its out there somewhere, I hope this gets released. I don't even care if its a "movie" i just want to see the shows. I saw about 3 or 4 songs from it at Alive One in Chicago at the KT album release party. The dude said it'd probably never be shown again, and I have no memory of what the songs were.
  5. Cool, is the Kicking Television from the recordings from Kicking Television?
  6. All she does is compare each song on the album to some other band from the 70's or 80's, that's not a review.
  7. I might send back my preorder of SBS if this is true.
  8. Holy shit does she suck, that may have been the most annoying review I've ever read.
  9. The Morning Dew from 5/8/77 is fucking incredible.
  10. Have they done secret shows in the past? If so where? Ever any in Chicago?
  11. Any word on how ticket sales are going for this? Will they be released to the public? I might just go up there that night and see if i can get in...
  12. I thought the same thing. I didnt' see him in the Hate it Here video either. I do think he is playing though because i thought I heard an organ or some sort of electric piano in the mix.
  13. Not too bad, sounds sort of Soft Bulletin-esque. The song itself isn't too strong though. Regardless, thanks for posting!
  14. Its the Auditorium Theater at Roosevelt University on Wabash. I know the theater had been renovated in recent years and its a possibility that shows were not being booked at the time you lived here.
  15. I'm with ya on that, except face melting is still fun to say sometimes. I honestly hadn't ever seen much headiness on this here board so I thought it was a bit refreshing. I'm not too heady these days though.
  16. Fuck yeah, did it melt your face into your beer then warm your beer up but you didn't care because you were gettin' down harder than you ever have?
  17. Hmmmm, I have to know someone that goes to Northwestern...
  18. You could probably get away with 15 bucks.
  19. I don't think they'll ever play Martyrs again unless its a Jeff solo show in 20 years.
  20. Wait, was this just an audio webcast?
  21. I love the Auditorium for sound, it has the best in the city. As for the view, anything in Orchestra is amazing, and the front of the first balcony. Anything other then that is pretty far and high.
  22. This would make my summer. It is by far, the best venue in Chicago.
  23. Both really. Szabo is my last name, but i am also a fan of Gabor Szabo. He's great! Not many people know of him but its always fun when people ask me about him.
  24. Nope, that's not Stephen. Its their touring drummer, Kliph. Stephen is pretty much only on guitar now. Although, he is a hell of a drummer.
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