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Everything posted by yermom

  1. First thing that came to mind and is so very, very good is Tweedy doing "Sunken Treasure."
  2. Definitely. The whole family loyalty, feeling obligation to live up to the expectations of your family, growing into a mold you never thought you'd fit but were destined to fill, etc. stuff should strike a chord with most people...just gotta see past the mafia stuff.
  3. That scene you folks are mentioning wasn't as great for me because a screen cap I saw online spoiled it for me and I knew it was coming.
  4. I listened to Ennio Morricone while reading it. Was a good match. Watched last night: Crazy good.
  5. Yeah, nothing turns me on more than movies where grown men cry. (Or I was switching between movie watching and computer stuff.)
  6. I enjoyed Slumdog Millionaire quite a bit. Only half-watched The Wrestler but what I saw looked interesting, so I'll have to actually sit down and watch it some time now. I only half-watched Milk. (I think I have something against Penn. He bugs me.) The Dark Knight and Wall-E were enjoyable. Iron Man was fun enough in its way. (I think I'd like to put something against Downey. Mreeeow!) I'd probably take In Bruges or Transsiberian over any of those though. Beltmann, did you watch In Bruges? Thoughts?
  7. I can't find this on my usual sites. If somebody wants to throw a PM my way, that would be super awesome!
  8. Oh man. The same seller recently sold some boxer briefs...with "skid marks." So glad I wasn't eating when I saw that. It's becoming impossible to go anywhere on the internet without finding something disturbing.
  9. A couple of many I love are when Sam starts singing on "A Change is Gonna Come," and the opening to Al Green's "Love and Happiness" where you can hear the drummer tapping his foot on a Coke box to get the rhythm going, then heavenly organ comes in...I get the warm fuzzies just thinking about it.
  10. I bet they're not really cleaned. Lies, lies, lies.
  11. They are pretty decent looking calves wearing those socks! I've seriously toyed with the idea of selling my used socks on eBay before. I'm such a hussy, it wouldn't bother me if some stranger is ultimately going to do things with them. I'd just be afraid they might get my address somehow through eBay or Paypal and stalk me (and my feet) or something. There are a lot of listings where chicks with massive implants sell the most random clothes to a regular clientele of pervy dudes who buy them at high prices because the seller models them (five sizes too small) in the listing.
  12. Whoa, male camel toe! (Camale toe?)
  13. The Doctor not knowing himself was intense, he's walking around looking like him but minus all his usual enthusiasm and confidence. Sad, sad, sad. It really does make you appreciate what a great job Tennant does with the part. I enjoyed Torchwood. I went into it in love with Capt. Jack already so that made it easy for me to dig. I think I may rewatch them soon in prep for the new stuff that'll come out eventually.
  14. A-freakin'-dorable. If you're ever feeling reallllly geeky, you can check out the craftacular action at this livejournal group. Some of the stuff that gets posted is less than spectacular but most of it makes me totally jealous that I don't have my own Doctor Who puppets and stuff to play with. For those who torrent, the Goem site has freeleech until the 15th and they've got loads of classic Who.
  15. I'm not afraid to go all power ballad-y and belt shit like that out if I'm drunk and I've got a partner in musical crime to air guitar with. Not a power ballad, but I recently discovered "Radar Love" is amazing for this activity.
  16. I love Rose but when she came back with those freaky teeth it made me love her a little bit less. I dig Donna too and Martha (who probably gets bonus points with me for showing up on Torchwood). They've all got a lot going for them. I guess I didn't compare myself to Rose because you can't beat her where "chemistry" with the Doctor is concerned. Plus, she did that whole "looked into the Tardis" gave Jack eternal life thing. They're all so badass. I've been playing Doctor Who Barbies with my kid tonight so I'm in geek-girl gushy love for Doctor Whoness overdrive right now.
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