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Everything posted by yermom

  1. If these were humans, they'd be doing some seriously NSFW things right now.
  2. I third the liking her in Larry Flynt.
  3. I'm still the coal miner's daughter.
  4. I loved the movie and had the soundtrack too. I was always very impressed with Lori Petty's skin. I had a bigger crush on Jet though.
  5. There's a pretty good shot I'll have a job next week. I toured a factory and peed in a cup today. This is a nifty job where I'll have a nifty uniform with a name patch on my shirt and everything. This time next year, I may be Miss November on a Blue-Collar Babes calendar. Steel toed boots and protective goggles, I'm gonna be so fly! Maybe Navy Officer, Richard Gere will come in and carry me away some day. I'm not particularly enthused about the work itself, but it's right on in the paycheck and hours department, so I'll see how it goes.
  6. Definitely not cheerful. Dark was the night, cold was the ground...
  7. I watched "The Long Hot Summer" a couple of days ago. Orson Welles, Paul Newman, Joanne Woodward doing Faulkner stuff...I liked it. Caught "Madagascar 2" with my kiddo last night. She loved it. It's got that "I like to move it, move it...MOVE IT!" song in it and she was shaking her booty all over the place. After the credits, she proceeded to the restroom where she sang "I like to poo poo, poo poo, I like to POO POO!" from inside her stall.
  8. Bill Withers - The Same Love That Made Me Laugh
  9. I didn't realize this was a thread for saying nice things. Padron moi.
  10. I've been checking that out too. It's like Laura tried to pull off a Jackie O. sort of thing but just ended up looking like a frumpy turd standing next to Michelle.
  11. If I were calling to offer you a job, I'd give you an instant raise for having that one! One of my friends was just giving me crap last week about my "weird" outgoing voice mail message, "You're so polite and apologetic! I'm sorry I missed you're call....blah blah blah..." but I've got it that way because I'd hate to miss my chance at a job for having a more casual message.
  12. That's what I've been working on this morning. Finally completed an epic online form for a staffing agency that hires out temp clerical positions and local manufacturing work. It may not sound very glamorous but I'm actually kind of crossing my fingers in hope that they'll offer me a spot at a furniture manufacturer. At this point, I don't need my job to absolutely define me, I just need it to pay my bills.
  13. Extremely effective soundtrack to my life at the moment.
  14. Looks cute. I'll have to show the trailer to my daughter now.
  15. Wanna know what sucks? My resume! It's pathetic! I've got a random assortment of retail, manual labor, and waitressing experiences under my belt. I also have 89 college hours completed and they're all over the place...in school, out of school (time off to drink), in school, out of school (time off to grow a baby), in school, out of school (couldn't afford it). If I were a prospective employer looking at my work/school history, I'd think, "This chick is a flip flopper, a back and forther, lacks focus, rambler, can't stick with anything..." and I'd pretty much be correct.
  16. Awesome, I could have a baby and eat it during that time...because I'm going to get hungry if I don't find a job soon. (That's right, I'm a baby eater.)
  17. :birthday Happy birthday! Your wife kicks ass, so I'm going to assume you kick ass by association and wish you a kickass birthday!!
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