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Everything posted by yermom

  1. I am crying while eating. Once and then Again! That's the tastiest cake in the world, by the way. My very own homemade chocolate banana cake!
  2. You really don't need to see Adventures in Babysitting. It's pretty mediocre. And I only watched The Whole Wide World once and the only thing I remember being taken with was D'Onofiro's beefiness.
  3. Holy crap, I watched that movie a million times when I was a kid and developed a huge crush on Vincent later when I saw The Whole Wide World but until now, I've never realized he was Thor.
  4. Ditto on ms yvon's sentiment. Stay safe and cuddle up next to those girls for warmth!
  5. David Berman And here he is close enough to Malkmus that he could slip him some tongue...omg.
  6. I loved her when I was in high school, carried around an old tin E.T. lunchbox with one of those Bettie paintings by Olivia stickers (nsfw?) on it. She was one of those inspirations who made me feel like being a little different didn't have to be a bad thing, could even be a good thing. RIP, Bettie.
  7. Or at least if you're gonna have a pistol in your pants, don't play with it.
  8. Kickass, Joe! Ours is only two years old, so we're going to look into that. thanks!
  9. Everyone go get that Howlin Rain. It's awesome. I like Portishead, but I didn't like the new one.
  10. I have no DS experience, i just wanted to chime in to say that our 360 died. We got the "red ring of death." Totally sucks.
  11. There are two dualisms in discussion here, I believe. There's the mind/body dualism and the good/evil dualism. This kind of stuff almost makes me miss the days when the frustrating posts in atheism threads were frustrating because someone had actually taken the time to read up on what they were arguing about and provided many, many, links to well-written articles.
  12. Yeah, what a cow... I wouldn't do him but I would bang Bill Murray.
  13. I've been pondering on "man is a useless passion." Nothingnesssssss...wheeee! I'm losing it. But what is "it" anyway? Probably some hoo-ha construct of my human mind developed through evolution to help me perpetuate my selfish genes or something of that nature. Dudes and dudettes, life is complicated but so much fun (especially when food or nudity is involved.)
  14. I am talented in the ways of the pixel! I used the same one last year, only took me about two hours to find the thing buried deep within the bowels of my photobucket album.
  15. And there's a new website... http://www.eefbarzelay.org/ Woohoo!
  16. The 2 song samples and the "come here for dates" to which he refers are Myspace.
  17. Woohoo, sounds awesome. I can't wait!
  18. This is still the O.G. (original goldfish), Nels. Watt was the one who suffered death by preschooler. Nels is a survivor of the great spoon massacre of 2008!
  19. I was bummed to hear about this this morning. I knew she was ill but I thought she was going to be okay and we'd see her at Obama's inauguration. If you feel really compelled, I imagine condolence cards send to this address might still find their way to her family.
  20. Funny in that great weird Coen Bros. way.
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