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Everything posted by isadorah

  1. ugggghhh. don't you love it when doctors tell you that (go on with life as normal). i had 80/40 range blood pressure for 5 months and was told 1) it was psychological 2) if it drops to 80/40 and i don't feel good to go to the ER. trying to function with BP that low is not easy. being not thrilled with this diagnosis, i went got a 3rd opinion and it turns out, the arteries in my neck make a funky "s" curve that is not supposed to be there and if i hold my head the right way, i cut off the flow of blood to my brain. i have my follow-up next week to find out if anything can be done, but already e
  2. i am guessing Paul getting the rights to the songs back means we won't be hearing a beatles song as the backdrop to a Nike ad ever again. Paul getting the songs back puts the power of when, where, and how the songs are used with Paul. when Michael had the songs, there was little discretion to their use. I recall Paul expressing in an interview how pissed he was about it and not thrilled with Michael having the songs.
  3. i have mixed feelings about MJ. for me, he died after the Bad album and some other guy assumed his identity. thriller was the first vinyl i ever owned (ok technically it was my sister's album and i got culture club, but i now have both and can revise history). i have fond memories of parties in which friends moved the furniture out of the way and did the graveyard dance. we will never know if he was guilty or not guilty. yes, he likely had a messed up childhood and clearly had image-issues as an adult. based on interviews he did with the media (that one sit down he did where he discussed the
  4. i'm going to add a bit to this, if you are experiencing health problems and don't get answers from your doctors, get a 2nd opinion. if something doesn't feel right, that means it is not right and only you truly know what is "normal" for your body. i have countless stories of misdiagnosis that could have proven fatal if it hadn't been for persistence and 2nd (and 3rd) opinions.
  5. me too! and that means my cherry ghost t-shirt will arrive soon too.
  6. wahoo!!! USA Men!!! amazing!!
  7. anyone know who band member #7 and #8 are??? they won't show them on camera. at all. hmph.
  8. can't you just download Firefox to your machine and no one would ever know?
  9. I don't think everyone has migrated back and that is contributing to the quiet.
  10. they always do this and it is rather frustrating. From an email I just got from the Wilco Store: "We also were able to snag a quantity of the new 7" You Never Know for the store (it's available otherwise exclusively at your local Indie Record Store). We'll start selling our copies this week for $5. And we'll throw it in to your order for free with an order of $30 or more... and we'll add a free tour programme if you order $50 or more." I just sent an email asking if orders already placed would be enjoying this perk. I'll post the response. I do understand the idea of teasers and adding stu
  11. thanks everyone!!! my colleague was blown away by the speed and resourcefulness of this place.
  12. A colleague is in search of a Led Zeppelin poster from back in the day as a gift for her husband. We have little info and don't want to ask too many questions or it will blow the surprise (if she manages to find the poster). Here's the vague description: a view of new york city from above with a zeppelin in the sky. that's all we have. we do know it is not a current poster, but instead something that came out back when the band was in their prime. Any ideas or suggestions of places one might look for such a thing??
  13. i like the owl. i might have to get one of those.
  14. Most definitely. I don't see how it would have been remotely possible to have gotten it anywhere without water damage that night, even if there was a plastic bag to put it in, i am guessing it would have still gotten wet.
  15. maybe you are PANTHER and didn't even realize it. have you eased up on your drinking? that might explain the exit from the board. (i kid of course)
  16. I miss PANTHER. This was in the comments section of a Washington Post article about Rev. Wright. It brought back PANTHER memories. Good stuff! "REV. WRIGHT: YOU ARE ANOTHER SAD, DELUDED PAWN IN AN INSIDIOUS GAME. BLACKS AND JEWS APPEAR TO BE PRIME TARGETS OF A FEDERALLY-ENABLED 'GESTAPO USA' THAT DELIGHTS WHEN ITS VICTIMS PREY UPON EACH OTHER. *** HOLOCAUST MUSEUM SHOOTER ENABLED BY FED-BACKED 'GESTAPO USA' EXTRAJUDICIAL TARGETING VIGILANTE NETWORK? A federal "multi-agency coordinated action" program appears to provide funding, organizational structure and, the evidence indic
  17. no, but I plan on winning next week. hee hee.
  18. hmmmmm, i think you might be a bit biased...but i'll give it to ya, it is a very very good version of that song. living room shows rock. whatever cryptique said. and yeah, if you do a search, i'm pretty sure there will be several threads that pop up explaining and giving links to all the other threads. analogman, you there??? -- here's one of the more recent inquiry threads: thread
  19. according to the Post he was charged around 2:30pm today and everything is on the Museum's video surveillance tapes. the word allegedly didn't show up in the most recent news update on the post's website. it should also be noted that he was driving a red hyundai and not a VW as earlier reported. the guards at my museum are also wearing black bands on their badges (the guards at the Hirshorn were not though...hmmmm).
  20. remember, it is the washington post, lower your expectations when you read.
  21. "The small red Volkswagen Jetta that von Brunn allegedly double-parked outside the museum before launching his deadly mission remained on 14th Street in the early morning mist..." I wonder if his car choice was intentional.
  22. yay another chic in the metal thread!!!! it is usually just me over here!
  23. about the guard I thought the last quote in the article was very humbling: "This speaks so powerfully to the mission of the museum," Bloomfield said. "Which is that hate is still with us, and this is why the museum exists." when I walked into the museum I work at this morning, I had a whole new respect for the guards that sit at our doors. Our museum isn't nearly as sensitive of a place as the Holocaust Museum, but having spent so much time in this environment, we sometimes forget how well trained museum guards are and what they are trained to do/how dangerous their jobs are. They a
  24. yeah, I posted that because I remembered some conversation somewhere in this thread about them...stemming from them being on tour with Metallica. my humor is usually only gotten by me.
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