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Everything posted by isadorah

  1. i've been avoiding dylan set lists, go see him on friday, haven't seen a show of his in 4 years and want to be pleasantly surprised. although i am still upset that i missed him at the ryman! one of my friends went to the first one of the two days and called me at midnight beyond ecstatic. i'm so jealous.
  2. yes, i'm not a fan either. i'm here at my desk and i faintly here the song and think, no that can't really be that. a colleague and i go out on the catwalk and can see the guy but then realize we have no idea what any of the top 40 musicians look like these days. his sound check just ended. was about 45 minutes. it's kinda fun to get free mini concerts while you work.
  3. anyone else here on the new live mail (hotmail) on a mac? i have an email that was forwarded to me that has html formatting, images and all that jazz. i want to send it on to others and damn hotmail either makes it all a block of text. i'm sure there's a setting somewhere that i need to click, but i can't seem to find. any help is greatly appreciated! thanks!
  4. YES!!! that's it. i just goggled that, sure enough, that's him. he's here on the piano. thanks!!!
  5. they use the song in some credit card or bank commercial. i want to say it is for the bankChase, the song in the background is a guy singing, high pitched falsetto, very sweet pop song that would typically be played on top 40 radio. i think the commercial shows a couple when they first met and then it shows them at milestones throughout their life together with a different credit card to match the situation (marriage, kids, house, etc). it sounds similar to the Fray, but not the Fray, in the realm of Cold Play, but definitely not Cold Play quality. i have no idea what his name is, but am prett
  6. yeah, i agree, there is a great irony to the fact that the capital of our country has a different set of rules for its citizens than the rest of the country. and you're right, they're not too bright. you should see the debates i have with one of my friends who works on the hill (for the democrats). and mind you i'm a die-hard democrat. troubling times we live in these days.
  7. ??? the taxation without represenation plates are part of the city's efforts to protest DCs lack of senate/congressional representation. so the DMV is supporting the government it is a part of, the city level, since that's where our representation ends.???
  8. my first plate interaction happened today: was at the gas station waiting to fill up my car (it's a tiny city station with little room for more than a few cars). a guy moved his car so i could get to the pump. when he got back from paying, he asked me about the plates. got to tell him all about WILCO!!! it was kinda fun.
  9. i worked at NASA when this was compiled into a poster. apparently there are portions of the images that had to be altered when they were merged together for National Security reasons
  10. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...ml?hpid=topnews i still don't get why us folks in the capital city aren't afforded the same rights as everyone else in the country. *sigh* the only "viable" reason that keeps coming up is "it is unconstitutional". huh, so change the constitution. seems to be ok to propose a change to the constitution to ban same sex marriage, so why not for something else...oh wait that's because.... i'm annoyed.
  11. i'm going to completely kill this thread and say: the Carpenters Greatest Hits you gotta love a good catchy pop song, a real one, done the right way with dub overs and forced harmonies. who doesn't have a ticket to ride when we've only just begun for all we know...
  12. my cat, miss faith, she passed away just before christmas last year after a long battle with cancer. she was the best cat ever. i miss her still.
  13. i have: the kick ass plates on my car, !! 3 posters 1 jeff signed ticket stub 1 entire band signed ticket stub 1 aftershow pass 8 ticket stubs (unsigned) 1 ticket to the Charlottesville show 1 sticker 1 sky blue sky vinyl 1 cell phone wall paper (self-made) 2 song requests played at shows 1 songbook 1 book and a lot, a lot of recordings someday i hope to get a t-shirt, the rest of the vinyl, and who knows what else...
  14. oh damn, that's it, i have to get a new car.
  15. i got a speeding ticket in abingdon once. oyi. keep an eyeout for my car at the charlottesville show!
  16. what a great story. i noticed the red cardinal at the chicago show. i'll keep my eye out for the bird you gave them when i go to the charlottesville show.
  17. are those hobbit feet? is frodo among us?
  18. andrew is correct. DC is not a state so we have no senators and 1 congresswoman who does not get to actually vote on the House floor she only gets to speak and show how she would vote if her vote counted. all federal tax laws have to be first genrated in congress before the president can sign them, we pay federal taxes in DC, but yet have no representation. the democrats have tried and tried to get at least our congressional full voting powers while giving the republicans a new seat in Utah (our congressional is a democrat and they think a republican district seat has to be added to be fair, i
  19. very very cool! thanks for posting the link to your blog! nice!
  20. the guy at DMV saw the same thing. it's almost a stealth wilco plate. and ok, technically there wasn't a thread about my license plate, details details, but i think there was one about general wilco license plates and who had one. but at least when analogman finds the link, lederhosen has given me a good argument!
  21. excellent!!! i got honked at a couple of times today, but i don't think it was because of wilco. damn impatient people. what part of VA are you in??
  22. ok, ok, i know there was a thread about this ages ago, and analogman will use his stealth search feature abilities to find it, but i'm so excited to have just gotten new tags for my car!!! i think it deserves its own thread. the guy at DMV asked me if i was trying to spell Christ and looked puzzled when i told him it was Cherry Ghost. I failed to tell him it was from a song titled Theologians though, he might have found that somewhat interesting. at least i did. i put the song on repeat for the whole drive home. so much fun!!!
  23. i think the atlanta show audience got the clapping. the rain helped and probably gave that insanity energy needed to get it. all the other shows i've been to completely lose it and don't get it. it had to be the rain that made all the difference.
  24. there's in intersection in VA: Princess Anne Blvd. and Blow St.
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